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RogerS":3dg8wdt7 said:
If it's not yours then it's not yours. If you want, go and get a job and buy it.

The social care and welfare sector is an industry, its big bucks for those who work in the sector and all its subsiduary services, sure, the scum get 'free money' a la tax payer (you and I) , but the Admin cost for keeping the scum as scum is vast, parasite needs host needs parasite, this country has been engineered as a service economy, and like it or lump it-they are part of it-the lowest part ?.
Talking of economy, some 30 years ago (or more) an eminent economist predicted "Britain will become an economy turned by people serving each other coffee and cutting each others hair". I dont condone what these desperados have commited, yeah maybe they should be unleashed 10 at a time into one of them lazer zone/paintball complexes, and we the 'civilised' could 'win tickets' from Camelot, scratch cards, on-line competitions, free prize draws etc etc, and torture them, slowly, humiliate them, act out revenge with tazers, baton rounds, bacon slicers ?.
Treasure Island ?
You missed out, the stocks, the wheel, hanging drawing and quartering, oh, and burning at the stake!

Just want to vouch for John (benchswayze) on this one, given what he did as a profession i would say he understands this more than most.
hey Dibs, that ones long but rather interesting write ups. I have not read read the article on Facebook either. But I think yours is probably a better piece and after reading it, I didn't have the time and the patients to go on Facebook anyway.

Great posts
RogerS":zy0qcdtv said:
I can't find the example that you are referring to.

You've already quoted it in your posts Roger.

The reason why I think ego-defense is a better in this instance is because coping strategy is a loose term than can mean any of a huge range of ways people find to internally deal with all manner of trials and tribulations. Ego-defense is specifically about pulling the wool over your own eyes so that you can maintain a view of yourself that is challenged by reality. I'm sure that kids in gangs will qualify their behaviour in all sorts of ways and even think that they're moral individuals because they're loyal amongst their peers - even though that morality can be starkly absent in the outside world.

Anyway, they seem to be coping very nicely. Arson..Mugging. Assault. Burglary. Looting. Murder.

Oh, silly me, I was forgetting. According to some of the woolly thinkers out there, we're not listening to the youth of today. Yet again, it's not there fault.
Yes, points for being smug. Sadly, not really in touch with what anybody actually thinks or of much practical use.

Roger, two things bothered me about the events of last week. Obviously there was the deplorable looting, arson and violence. But also that there are that many kids who don't think that their futures (or present) are better served by not behaving like that. To reference your sig - given the scale of the lawlessness there's inevitably going to be an increase in the use of stick. To do that and not think that carrot also needs looking at is just absent mindedness.

Stick without carrot isn't justice.

gus3049":zy0qcdtv said:
I strongly suspect that Jason has never been on the end of the attention provided by one of these mobs. Its very easy to make an intellectual judgement when there has been no direct experience. But then that sums up the young. I used to know stuff now I think its true.

Gus, you know no more about my experiences in life than you do my age. Your guesses are just that, shots in the dark guided only by your own prejudices - and the results of your guesswork say a lot more about you than they do me.
Jason Pettitt":3eva246b said:
Gus, you know no more about my experiences in life than you do my age. Your guesses are just that, shots in the dark guided only by your own prejudices - and the results of your guesswork say a lot more about you than they do me.

On the contrary Jason, you stated that the likelihood was very remote which rather suggests that, as I suggested, you have not been on the receiving end. So not guesswork but based on your own post.

My prejudices are formed by the direct experience of near death. What are yours formed by?
Remote in that not only are physical attacks thankfully rare but also that the likelihood that Benchwayze would then be personally on hand to assist is as close as makes no difference to not going to happen. Though the sentiment was appreciated.

Again. You know not a dot about me.
Jason Pettitt":1yy9o1bc said:
Stick without carrot isn't justice.


Which is why my signature advocates 'stick and carrot'. The liberal loony left only believe in carrot and which is why we are in the mess that we are in.
Jason Pettitt":33xgseo6 said:
Remote in that not only are physical attacks thankfully rare but also that the likelihood that Benchwayze would then be on hand to assist is as close as makes no difference to not going to happen. Though the sentiment was appreciated.

Again. You know not a dot about me.

The way people talk tells perhaps, more about them, than you might suspect.
Gordon, that you've got all your judgements wrong so far does suggest otherwise. If you don't mind I've got better things to do than argue whether it's possible to dowse a chap's character, age and life experiences from a few typed lines from an Internet forum.

Roger, No they don't. No it isn't.
Jason Pettitt":bwx5fyee said:
Remote in that not only are physical attacks thankfully rare ...

I'm assuming you mean In East Anglia? They are certainly not rare in South London, In fact in many parts of South London (can't speak for the North side) should, almost, anyone be unfortunate enough to find themselves out, especially at night, the chances of it happening are very high.
Jason Pettitt":2313pevw said:
Gordon, that you've got all your judgements wrong so far does suggest otherwise. If you don't mind I've got better things to do than argue whether it's possible to dowse a chap's character, age and life experiences from a few typed lines from an Internet forum.

Roger, No they don't. No it isn't.

Jason, the fact that you clearly 'KNOW' everything rather than 'think' it rather means that I don't think you are worth talking to any more either. Byeee :lol:
studders":z7s9cnt6 said:
They are certainly not rare in South London, In fact in many parts of South London (can't speak for the North side) should, almost, anyone be unfortunate enough to find themselves out, especially at night, the chances of it happening are very high.

I would say (based on personal knowledge) that it's a daily event. It's one of the reasons I moved.

Cheers :wink:

Stick without carrot isn't justice.

That would seem to suggest that you believe people must be bribed into good behaviour. Alfred the Great tried that with the Danes, they kept coming back for more. The Romans tried it as well, so did we with the Sudenteland, history would suggest that bribery doesn't work.

Paul Chapman":135zqfoj said:
I would say (based on personal knowledge) that it's a daily event. It's one of the reasons I moved.

Cheers :wink:

It certainly seems to be that way Paul. Wish I'd moved years ago when I thought about doing so, couldn't afford to move now.
I moved here, west Wales, to avoid escalating crime in Telford, at one time we had a drug dealer next door!
We had a mini crime wave shortly after we moved here, vigilanties sorted that!


If you are a lot older than you seem, then you have either lived in a cloistered environment, or you have been wandering around with your mind closed.

For some forty years now, successive Governments have practiced the 'more carrot than stick' approach. (Notably during the three terms prior to the last General election. ) The only trend in criminal behaviour has been upward; an increase, despite what Mr. Blair and Co. would have you to believe. If that doesn't convince you nothing will. If that be the case then you don't wish to accept the truth and you are as hidebound in your attitudes as you believe us to be.

As for 'helping you', I quote my own post:

If it should ever come to pass that you needed my help because of these 'creatures', I would help you. I would even resist the urge to say I told you so. But the only part of your post I can empathise with, is the altruistic issue; that if everyone thought as you do, certainly we would be fine. Sadly, it isn't the case. Nor will it ever be so.

I was quite well aware it was unlikely, a metaphorical situation. But if you ever are in a position to need the sort of help I used to dispense, then I hope for your sake the person on hand has my sentiments.

So again... Goodbye.
An astonishingly subtle and deeply meaningful offering to this thread.

Once upon a time there was a professional gardener called Ronnie (Veronica Sir to her husband)

She and said husband decided to set up a huge garden and grow Roses and Lavender and all their own fruit and vegetables.

Her husband, being a bit of a luvvie was always upset that all the wild flowers were not allowed to mix in with the cultivated elements of the garden and so encouraged his wife to allow them to grow where they would and not be too harsh with them.

Gradually, the wild element started to take over, strangling the other plants and dropping their seed all over the plot.

The luvvie wrung his hands.

Ronnie dug up all the weeds and put them on the bonfire. Those she couldn't uproot, she cut off at the knees with a big strimmer.

"Sorry luvvie" she said, "sometimes you just have to be strong and cull the intruders, no matter how attractive they may seem, for the general good. Do you want to carry on eating our own food and live the way we chose or do you want to live with the chaos of an unstructured garden?"

"You can't have it both ways"