First Fix Nailers

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Established Member
30 Dec 2011
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Being the woodworking/technology hybrid nerd that I am, I've been watching a fair few videos lately to get some ideas on various projects and improve my techniques etc. One thing that struck me is that almost universally, our friends across the pond reach for nailguns for their first fix with glue, only then pre-drilling and lobbing in a screw or two if a really snug join is required.

Over here either they're less mentioned, or less used - which is it? I've had a quick google and they're expensive bits of kit!
When you say first fix you mean studding and roofing etc?? A good paslode can't be beaten for that job! You can have a wall together in 20 mins including noggins etc.

As in a Brad Nailer? I have one but don't use it much as I don't like the indents it leaves. I tend to use pocket holes and dominos for most joints.

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Yep, I use one primarily for jigs and for fixing panels / trim etc.

The cordless ones are very expensive. An air nailer is only £60 or so, and £100 or so for a compressor
i bought a cheap brad nailer from b&q about 20 years ago, i've used it for all sorts of projects, it uses 18g brads from 15-50mm and is still going strong and in use on a regular basis, i also have a nailer that takes crown staples aswel as brads upto 40mm, and that is about 15 years old, had no misfires or jams with either,