Hi recently made a 'vanity unit from oak sleepers. A sink will be placed on top so will likely encounter water fairly regularly. I've already treated the whole thing, first with poly x wood protector and then 2 coats of the poly x hardwax oil.
Question is can I then cover it with a coat or two of fiddes and sons wax polish stuff? Really just to improve the feel of it and second to maybe fill some of the tiny cracks and the join down the middle? Or should I use something else to fill the join? Table top consists of 2 large oak sleepers 1m length.
Question is can I then cover it with a coat or two of fiddes and sons wax polish stuff? Really just to improve the feel of it and second to maybe fill some of the tiny cracks and the join down the middle? Or should I use something else to fill the join? Table top consists of 2 large oak sleepers 1m length.