Having looked a photo online, I suspect you have an induction motor. This type of motor run quietly and do not have a opening through which you can see the brushes such as a normal mains powered electric drill for instance.
Next thing is that when you want to lubricate something, don't use a water displacer (ever wondered what WD stands for in WD40??)
The solvent dries out very quickly and is next to useless. some light 3 in 1 oil is probably the best thing to have on the shelf for lubrication.
99% of the time ball races (bearings) are standard parts and not specific to a machine manufacturer. These can be bought from bearing factors in most towns, online from many places such as arc-euro, bearing boys, simply bearings etc even ebay
They are specified by width, bore and outside diameter and are readily available in metric and imperial sizes.
Not too sure why your bearing seized and yet released so easily. Either dirt has got in, or they got very hot and released once they had cooled.
In your position, if I relied upon this tool for income, I would change the bearings as soon as time allows. This needs to be done in a clean environment where you can set aside the parts in the order of dismantling for re assembly, making sketches or taking photos of what goes where.
Remove the old bearings first then buy replacements to match. Sealed ones with a suffix 2R or RR will have rubber dust seals and last longer for little extra cost.