Elliptical Turning


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Established Member
20 Jan 2014
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Since the subject matter has 'morphed' it seems reasonable to move the 'Tailstock in the way...' discussion to a new thread :)
dcmguy":2m1ul33t said:
Yeah..Volmer was no slouch... I think he was a professor ..but not 100% clear.
Yes - at the Technical University of Chemnitz
It was his drawing at section 4.3 of his web-site that I used as the basis for my design.
His design (Fig. 7005) for a set of 6 bowls on a platter is an ambition!
dcmguy":2m1ul33t said:
As for conic sections... diverting significantly from topic here ...but I've been quite interested in trying to apply the maths relating to the 2-dimensional effect of passing a notional hollow cone through a notional 2-D plane ... and then trying to extend everything by a dimension to form a mathematical framework for gravitational 'events' (such as 'big-bang" theory). No useful outcomes yet, funnily enough.
Even I'm starting to 'glaze over' :)
dcmguy":2m1ul33t said:
More prosaically, for a 'nested' solar orbital suite I was thinking of using natural logs to 'normalise' relative distance but also looking to define an outer bound as Halley's Comet ...very much a hybrid of definition and decorative opportunity!
Now you are talking about a visually viable Ellipse - The eccentricity of Halley's Comet is 0.967 which would mean that a major axis of 100mm would have a minor axis of 25.478mm - whereas with Mercury a 100mm Major has a 97.863 Minor hardly noticeable.
dcmguy":2m1ul33t said:
Coming back on topic ... when you turn ellipses, may I ask which lathe (assuming not homemade) you use and where you stand (for the inner turning) relative to the bed?
Many on the forum would consider that I cheat :)
I use a Myford Super 7 (Metal-working) lathe therefore I stand in front but the tool (sometimes a standard HSS bar but very often a Dremel or Kress with a Carbide burr) sits on the centre-line. Very seldom do I cut freehand but sanding and finishing is always done at what DS calls the 'point of tranquillity'.
Essentially, Elliptical Turning is 'Ornamental' turning in a very basic form and all ornamental lathes are 'metal-working'.
I used Burbinga, 'Tufnol' and Aluminium as you can see from the attachments which are early photo's and don't show the latest incarnation with variable eccentricity. The chuck isn't attached to the lathe at the minute otherwise I would take some 'current' photo's.
If you have any interest - and have SketchUp (or are happy to install it - it is free) - I can send you the 3D file.


  • Self-centreing Chuck.png
    Self-centreing Chuck.png
    247.2 KB
  • Chuck Rear.png
    Chuck Rear.png
    177.3 KB
Hello please I am interested to make an ellipse making chuck, can you send me 3d files of the chuck email (mod edit: email deleted).
Best regards
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Hello please I am interested to make an ellipse making chuck, can you send me 3d files of the chuck email (mod edit: email deleted).
Best regards
It's quite some time since I made this - or even looked at the drawings - but I'll review what I have archived and send you a PM - - - it's unlikely to be today but hopefully before next week :)

I'm sure you'll need rather more than 3D files though!
I have found both the files & the time to start a 'conversation' - since you are still showing only 1 posting, I trust that you can find it.