Elektra Beckum HC 260 cutting out fix ....


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Established Member
15 Jan 2015
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This appears to be a fairly common issue with variable fixes.
Mine (HC 260 in green) was dropping out regularly a few years back, Put up with it a while and eventually it fixed itself.
Recently it's started doing it again - anything from 20 seconds to 10 minutes.
Had a word with a friend who understands such issues.
Apparently as the solenoid pulls the contacts together they can arc and thus form a variable surface with tiny spots on them.
Solution smooth faces with very fine emery and it can run perfectly for years.
Mind you newer models may have different switch gear.
Mine kept doing that and blowing fuses (maybe a different issue altogether)

Realized I was using cheap fuses bought from Amazon. Switched to the ones bought from Toolstation, no issues since.
Have you found the problem?

If not: It sounds liked something is temporarily breaking contact .. may due to heat (& remakes when cooled, such as a safety switch in the motor if you have dull knives etc) or vibration (less likely as that break would fail outright soon enough.. but I have seen breaks in cable that last a while & a slightly loose A1 or A2 that has foxed me for a while).

Mine has a pcb .. maybe there's a "dry joint" (look at the underside to see if all the pins are covered in solder so the actual pin isn't visible).

Mine has 2 capacitors (unlike any diagram I have found) so 1 must be a run capacitor.. hopefully your mate has a multimeter with a capacitance option to test it.

If it was soot/carbon on the contactor's contacts the contactor I would expect the thing to chatter or hum (continually trying to make)..but contacts can misalign sometimes & although the coil is energised the contacts haven't moved close enough to supply the full voltage... but I would expect the motor to hum & contactor to warm up... & besides that is a starting issue & wouldn't happen once the machine is up & running.

You really need to trace the fault (test where the power stops when in fault condition).. but obviously, live testing has it's risks.

I'd put money on dust ingress into the NVR or similar (I'd bypass that switch for testing purposes only).

Hope that helps
Currently having to live with it. No time to really get on with it. Cuts out and accepts instant restart. Shorter run in hot weather like we had, longer when cool. Rerun time variable. The switch is one block, no pcb.