Established Member
Ok the "four in a row" bootfair weekend is upon us and I promised I wouldn't go to all four...
So..Friday...failed miserably and with only £20 in my pocket I ventured out (after clearing the blinkin' FROST of the windscreen!)
Only three rows today at a small local one ....brave people! But some reasonable stuff....
Ok...rotate clockwise from top left...a TREND T3 router for £8....doesn't even look used much...instructions an' all!
I'll just put that with the others then....
One of them Efrem Zimbbelist vises.....ony two quid! Handy those things!
A really super saw set for a quid....
Merrills...mmm never heard of them! I think I know where that will end up...
Another vise...for 50p...I think I have a great idea for this one and it clamps like a Rottweiller!
and....last but not least...a really nice wooden plane...my new slope....£2...
More on that in the hand tool forum...CLICK HERE IF YOU LIKE WOODIES
Not a bad day out...only 1 hour and only a few stalls but some good stuff!
I passed up on two oscilloscopes....and a complete lab distillation setup including Leibig condenser...
I was tempted to get the distillation gear and make some spirits but as I don't drink and as it is fairly illegal, I decide against it! And absolutely NOBODY needs three oscilloscopes so I'll just make do with the one I have!
Cheers and post your bunnies here!
So..Friday...failed miserably and with only £20 in my pocket I ventured out (after clearing the blinkin' FROST of the windscreen!)
Only three rows today at a small local one ....brave people! But some reasonable stuff....

Ok...rotate clockwise from top left...a TREND T3 router for £8....doesn't even look used much...instructions an' all!

I'll just put that with the others then....

One of them Efrem Zimbbelist vises.....ony two quid! Handy those things!

A really super saw set for a quid....

Merrills...mmm never heard of them! I think I know where that will end up...

Another vise...for 50p...I think I have a great idea for this one and it clamps like a Rottweiller!

and....last but not least...a really nice wooden plane...my new slope....£2...

More on that in the hand tool forum...CLICK HERE IF YOU LIKE WOODIES
Not a bad day out...only 1 hour and only a few stalls but some good stuff!
I passed up on two oscilloscopes....and a complete lab distillation setup including Leibig condenser...
I was tempted to get the distillation gear and make some spirits but as I don't drink and as it is fairly illegal, I decide against it! And absolutely NOBODY needs three oscilloscopes so I'll just make do with the one I have!
Cheers and post your bunnies here!