Easter Bunnyfairs!


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Established Member
12 Mar 2009
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Kent - the Garden of England
Ok the "four in a row" bootfair weekend is upon us and I promised I wouldn't go to all four...

So..Friday...failed miserably and with only £20 in my pocket I ventured out (after clearing the blinkin' FROST of the windscreen!)

Only three rows today at a small local one ....brave people! But some reasonable stuff....


Ok...rotate clockwise from top left...a TREND T3 router for £8....doesn't even look used much...instructions an' all!


I'll just put that with the others then....


:oops: :oops: :oops:

One of them Efrem Zimbbelist vises.....ony two quid! Handy those things!


A really super saw set for a quid....


Merrills...mmm never heard of them! I think I know where that will end up...


Another vise...for 50p...I think I have a great idea for this one and it clamps like a Rottweiller!


and....last but not least...a really nice wooden plane...my new slope....£2...


More on that in the hand tool forum...CLICK HERE IF YOU LIKE WOODIES

Not a bad day out...only 1 hour and only a few stalls but some good stuff!

I passed up on two oscilloscopes....and a complete lab distillation setup including Leibig condenser...

I was tempted to get the distillation gear and make some spirits but as I don't drink and as it is fairly illegal, I decide against it! And absolutely NOBODY needs three oscilloscopes so I'll just make do with the one I have!

Cheers and post your bunnies here!

Hi Jim

I think that sawset must say "Morrills Pats." - ie one of the most ubiquitous designs - but you knew that really, didn't you?

Loads more here.
jimi43":3pfy4rmh said:
And absolutely NOBODY needs three oscilloscopes so I'll just make do with the one I have!


Yes two is just the right number :wink: :D

I think I have seen enough of the inside of Telequipment scopes to last me a lifetime Pete! Cut my teeth on them! So left it behind....

Today was rained off..then it wasn't then it drizzled...nightmare!

But the woodie slope continues and I know I'm going to regret leaving these shores because not only do I have to do the research but I need to do it in German now!


About 1890s if what I have discovered so far is right...but for £6 it's got to be worth a few hours work...

Interesting little plane...MORE IN THE HAND TOOL FORUM

Again...any help identifying this plane would be appreciated....


That small 'vice', with the two circular 'clamps', looks familiar. There was something similar on my old Stanley-bridges lathe attachment. (Circa 1970).
But, it has given me an idea for 'adjustable outriggers' for my SCMS cross-cutter. Thanks for the illustration. I bookmarked it!

Benchwayze":28dmy0l4 said:

That small 'vice', with the two circular 'clamps', looks familiar. There was something similar on my old Stanley-bridges lathe attachment. (Circa 1970).
But, it has given me an idea for 'adjustable outriggers' for my SCMS cross-cutter. Thanks for the illustration. I bookmarked it!


How weird mate! I was just thinking of doing the same thing! The hold-down posts look just the ticket for attaching this thing to!

Will let you know how I get on too!


Benchwayze":21178lub said:
Watch the Video Jimi...


I am lining up one of these for myself.. Won't be cheap, but way less expensive than a Benchmaster (Benchcrafted?) or Veritas tail vice!

:D :D :D

Oh...the Z vise!

I thought you meant the other one!

Yes...that is in the process of being restored....it is a fantastic tool and much sought after.

I will post a restored picture when I get a chance...I need to release the second rod which is stuck in the winding end at the moment...to properly refurbish it but it works fine now.

Interesting that it has a lifetime guarantee....I should send it back for a new one...but I have a feeling that this one is better built! :wink:

went to one on friday and today both quite disappointing. what really pi**ed me off was the set of lawn bowls i bought the seller promised me they where woods, they weren't. it was hard to tell as there were so dark in colour and they where chipped in places.

anywho try and post up some pics soon

jimi43":rnyk1nws said:
Benchwayze":rnyk1nws said:
Watch the Video Jimi...


I am lining up one of these for myself.. Won't be cheap, but way less expensive than a Benchmaster (Benchcrafted?) or Veritas tail vice!

:D :D :D

Oh...the Z vise!

I thought you meant the other one!

Yes...that is in the process of being restored....it is a fantastic tool and much sought after.

I will post a restored picture when I get a chance...I need to release the second rod which is stuck in the winding end at the moment...to properly refurbish it but it works fine now.

Interesting that it has a lifetime guarantee....I should send it back for a new one...but I have a feeling that this one is better built! :wink:


yes Jimi,
I did mean the small vice with the rubber jaw.
I just thought you might find the Zyliss video interesting too.
It seems to have a range of uses, that might make worth further investigation..


They're not Bunny's, they're mine!

Bought these this morning. First, a 2lb smithing hammer, a Footprint 26" and an unknown rakered 26" - both very straight and an old, huge die ratchet that may or may not come in useful for adjusting my saw carriage:


And some very nice little bits:


Some small hollow punches of sizes I didn't have, tiny cold chisel, a 3/16" twist wood bit and a (maybe?) genuine spoon bit ...


Its end is level with the sides; soup would not run out of this spoon. Though it's very narrow - narrower than my two gouge bits - and no doubt a future gouge bit itself.


Now for the traditional bank holiday sharpening marathon ....
Richard i pickded up lots of brace bits today, including a screwdriver which i was quite excited about when i foun.d it :roll:

Piccies later

Nice hauls guys! I went to a boot sale yesterday and there was absolutely nothing of any interest whatsoever! Loads of knackered kids toys but no woody tools at all!
Some nice stuff there chaps, I'll try to control my jealousy; I had a three day bootsale bonanza planned, but rain stopped play on all three days. :( :-({|=
adidat":2dxe40ok said:
Richard i pickded up lots of brace bits today, including a screwdriver which i was quite excited about when i foun.d it :roll:

Piccies later

stop teasing, let's see some piccies :)
Nice hauls, I especially like Richard T's huge die.

Just a Stanley 905 breast drill for me.