Does Danish oil.....

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Mignal is spot on, the properties of Danish Oil are entirely dependent on who the manufacturer is. Our brand is urethane based and therefore far more resilient against standard household chemicals than Hardwax Oils. We sell quite a bit of OSMO so it's not in our interset to critcise it but we were very dissapointed at how it performed when tested against such substances as ketchup, vinegar, 40% alcohol, domestos ....

In our opinion a nice looking finish which needs regular maintenance.

Ian McAslan
would be interested to do a side by side test actually. What sizes do you do the danish oil in Ian?
That would be great Tom, it would be really good to get a independent opinion. We sell Danish Oil in 1L , 2.5L & 5L.

If you give me your address I'll happily send out a 100ml sample for you to test.

I sent an e mail to Osmo Germany asking what is so special with the product as when you look at the composition it isn't much different than Danish oil.
The reply back stated that Osmo does yellow, and that the only way to stop this was to prep the wood with a base coat of another product with a white pigment...but then I suppose there is a downsude to doing that as we have discussed.

I also asked Liberon why there Danish oil was Special and what made it special, and was told everything that was on the data sheet, and also received a copy of the data sheet confirming what they had told me in the reply!!!!!!!!!!!!

I suspect there is little difference between either product, especially if like me you wax Danish oil with wire wool after the final coat.
As a side note I was surprised to note how long Osmo has been going as aproduct, and that it was only brought into the UK when someone saw a potential to market it here.
Why don't you give Sam Maloof's mixture a try:
1/3 Boiled Linseed or Tung, 1/3 Polyurethane varnish, 1/3 White Spirit.
Apply like Osmo - rag or brush, leave for 20 mins then wipe off.
Two or three coats gives a durable finish that can be enhanced with a coat of wax.
Mix as needed but it seems to last for ages - I use 1/2 jam jar for measuring and mix and store in a coffee jar!


Sycamore kitchen table made for younger daughter and young family - still in good nick after 5 years!
