Diabetic Christmas Party Food


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Alcohol intake reduces blood sugar. Between the wine/cider/scotch and the Metformin that's my Christmas sorted. :ho2
The vegetarian part really complicates things. Meat doesn't contain a lot of carbs. Seeing a lot of meat & sallads in my christmas.

Eggs are good, so meringue pies?
I was thinking you make your own, low sugar versions. I saw a meringue cake with lots of whipped creams and fresh berries for diabetics, looked good.

Not low fat, but fat's nothing to be scared of IMO, I always eat the high fat stuff, whole milk, etc and my blood fat values had almost no room for improvement the doctors said.
Isn't "Splenda" supposed to be a complete substitute for sugar in baking and cooking recipes. And seeing as it works the same way as aspertime etc in being undigestable by us and passes straight through would this not work? I ask as i don't have diabetes.
Sorry, I can't help with your initial question as I am absolutely useless in the kitchen. However, when I was diagnosed almost six years ago, my wife & I attended an X-Pert course at our local hospital. As well as explaining just what diabetes is, the course centered heavily on diet and one thing that sticks in my mind is to avoid food sold especially for diabetics. Examining the food labels showed it to be no better, and sometimes worse than, regular food. The main emphasis was eating sensibly and in moderation.

If you have not heard of the X-Pert course you would do well to see if it it available in your local area.

