COP26 progress or same old

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No - you have to show us where and how/why they are wrong. You have completely failed on this so far. You don't even seem to be up to date - still muttering about Mann and the hockey stick - that was 12 years ago.
Do some revision. This is a good place to start: Hockey stick graph - Wikipedia

I don't have to show you anything! You disagree and I think you're full of bull-whotsit. End of! Your post say it all.
Posting up links from the internet means or proves nothing unless you actually understand what you're talking about and I don't believe you do! Prove me wrong!
Just wondering...perhaps the experts (those more educated than I) on this forum could enlighten us as to what targets of co2 we're aiming for
You should try it.

Sounds ominous! I'm not sure I want to as I've come across threads like that before and no doubt I'll discover that I've have been doing it wrong for over 50 years and I find it difficult enough to sleep as it is without worrying about whether or not I'm sharpening my tools correctly!
What is so special about the sharpening thread?
Parallel universe!
Those who know that the official methods are flawed know that "if they publicly challenge the findings, they will be marginalised and their careers will be effectively over, which if you search enough you will find to be true."
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Parallel universe!
Those who know the official methods are flawed know that "if they publicly challenge the findings, they will be marginalised and their careers will be effectively over, which if you search enough you will find to be true."

Sorry but I can't take anything you say seriously. Anyone who continually quotes and sticks religiously to a flawed piece of garbage science without even questioning it is not worthy of me entering into debate with them.
Sorry but I can't take anything you say seriously. Anyone who continually quotes and sticks religiously to a flawed piece of garbage science without even questioning it is not worthy of me entering into debate with them.
You have to tell us why you think the science is flawed garbage. Just shouting "flawed garbage" is not enough.
It's pretty clear by now to everybody that you don't really know what you are talking about at all.
If I were you I'd just stop burbling on inanely.
Have you any questions to ask about woodwork? Or anything? What are you making at the minute?
No keep muttering and ranting!
Monbiot is saying something similar - govt and business won't do it but people power might. After the failure of Cop26, there is only one last hope for our survival | George Monbiot
Don't call it a failure just yet, average voters opinion although in the short term as volatile as **** has at it's core a massive inertia, the best of our elected overlords can only lead it by the slightest margin. Just as in my industry there is no point in making the most environmentally sound vehicles we could as at this point in time, we would sell to about 1 in 100,000. Steady pressure gets gradual results. Government when we elect the disreputable will pretend to give us what they assume we want, the contempt of the likes of BJ and Gove openly show to us is abhorrent but amongst the dross we send to parliament there are a few decent people actually trying to improve the state of this country, personally I don't see them as concentrated in any party. I firmly believe we get what we deserve and the only power the people of this country have is to try to deserve better. If you vote and we all should don't blindly vote for a colored rosette read what they publish where you can look at what they vote for and vote for the candidate you believe to be the best option even when they have no hope of success. Where you believe them to be scoundrels you can at least have the satisfaction of behaving better than them. Don't assume business won't help, business is just large groups of people, constrained by economic reality and share holder opinion, you may be a share holder, express your opinion, you are a consumer what you buy is the economic reality.
You have to tell us why you think the science is flawed garbage. Just shouting "flawed garbage" is not enough.
It's pretty clear by now to everybody that you don't really know what you are talking about at all.
If I were you I'd just stop burbling on inanely.
Have you any questions to ask about woodwork? Or anything? What are you making at the minute?

I never shout anything. I state things!
I don't have to tell you anything as it's clear from your posts that it's you who knows everything and anyone who doesn't agree with you is subject to derision simply because you believe you are right and anyone with a different opinion is wrong.

Unlike you I'm not so arrogant or crass as to believe that of myself, I just happen to disagree with some of the garbage science that is around at the moment and I have sufficient formal education to at least challenge some of the claims, that doesn't mean I know everything like you appear to do.

As I've already said, I can't take anything you say seriously as nothing convinces me that you are someone who is worthy of entering into debate.
Whatever your opinion of me, it really doesn't bother me simply because I don't value it!
Apparently there were 500 fossil fuel lobbyists in Glasgow whilst COP26 was on
I don't have to tell you anything as it's clear from your posts that it's you who knows everything and anyone who doesn't agree with you is subject to derision simply because you believe you are right and anyone with a different opinion is wrong

I believe it was you who called Jacobs posts “flawed garbage”

I would call that derision.
have a look at this site, see what you MP voted for.
My MP has consistently voted against legislation to address climate change. Up until now. There's a whole lot of bandwagon jumping going on right now.
Boris, if you recall, said wind turbines couldn't blow the skin off a rice pudding(showing a spectacular ignorance of how a wind turbine works). Now he's trying to position himself as the jolly green clown/saviour of the universe.
Let's hope it's a genuine change of heart, and not just more political manuevering, like his last minute Brexit support decision, which got him the PM position.
I never shout anything. I state things!
I don't have to tell you anything as it's clear from your posts that it's you who knows everything and anyone who doesn't agree with you is subject to derision simply because you believe you are right and anyone with a different opinion is wrong.

Unlike you I'm not so arrogant or crass as to believe that of myself, I just happen to disagree with some of the garbage science that is around at the moment and I have sufficient formal education to at least challenge some of the claims, that doesn't mean I know everything like you appear to do.

As I've already said, I can't take anything you say seriously as nothing convinces me that you are someone who is worthy of entering into debate.
Whatever your opinion of me, it really doesn't bother me simply because I don't value it!
Have you bothered to catch up on the M Mann hocky stick story yet? You have to start somewhere and that's as good as any. Behind the Hockey Stick
In fact googling 'Scientific American / hocky stick / climate change" brings up a lot of stuff.
I suppose you think Scientific American is also in the cunning plot to deceive the world.
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