chair pics

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Established Member
9 Jan 2006
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hi all , here are the pics of the chairs that im making. got 2 to make would be grateful for any help and advice on how to do the back????



i have used the miller dowells on a few joints and they are very good, simple quick and strong
have also just plain dowelled some jonts and some i've just screwed.
really just doing it as easy as i can. very lucky its painted.
Hi Lugo
For start make two templates from some hardboard or some thing like that, one from under the rail and one from the side.

This should give you your patterns to draw on your timber and help you cut it
I hope that is clear but if you need more help I will try :)
Ps Also make sure that the patterns are longer at the back joints so you can make and cut them so it will help when you fit them :)
hi Lugo,

the chair is on the right way - great work. do you only have one of it or more?
well have put the back on one of the chairs. cut the first one wrong so need to glue up another section for the other chair. have left alot of extra timber(10mm :eek: ) on so can shape when all dry. was thinking of using an arbotec??? not used one before is it worth a try or should i just use spokeshave?
I would use a spokeshave, as you will have lot for control.
Ps I have not used a arbotec myself
hi all i have finished the chairs and they are off being painted. forgot to get pics of them finised in the raw but will post some of them finished. :D