Can anyone identify the door gear?

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Established Member
30 Nov 2003
Reaction score
South Derbyshire, UK
Hi, there are some door sets on eBay here: ... 1423.l2649 that are ideal for my workshop and seem great value for £150.

The vendor is a very helpful chap but has found it difficult to find out what door gear was supplied with them. The current B&Q doors are different. He thinks these had a bottom roller system.

I wondered if anyone here might recognise the bi-fold system they are prepared for? I don't actually need a bi-fold system, but if I can identify it then it would be worth pricing up. The cut outs are quite distinctive.



all of the ones that I can find have the roller at the top which is fine if the lintel can carry the weight. These have the roller at the bottom and the guide at the top so the weight is carried by the floor. that suits my construction much better as they are under a cantilevered canopy which is bound to move a bit under snow etc.



with the help of forum member Trevsf1 I was able to identify and buy the door gear and I have now fitted the door frame and doors. They work really well and I made a massive saving in cost compared to buying a set of doors through normal channels. I just need to find time and dry weather to make more progress with my 'shed'.

Here is a picture, sorry about the quality:

I haven't trimmed around the door frame yet, and hopefully the windows will arrive next week..........

I do now have some spare track and rollers, so if anyone else is contemplating fitting a set of these (I think that the Ebay vendor still has plenty of doors) do get in touch.



sorry, I should have said. It was barrier Vistafold 44 gear but both the top and bottom tracks are not standard but the bits are available. The hinge cut-outs are different on all 3 doors. To the jamb they are 2D adjustable hinges, one brand they come as are Hafele (also they use Hafele drop bolts), the middle hinges are 100mm types I never identified (I used the barrier ones but they are shorter than the cut outs). On the locking door they are cut out for barrier hinges and rollers.

I never quite worked out what lock was used but I am sure it is ERA (5 point) - I have one fortunately.

