Byrons Official Workshop Build Thread

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My unit has a plastic-coated "corrugated" roof and even with 4in of insulation I can hear the rain above the machinery on some days.

Day 15


Rain! - Rain! and more rain :(

BUT, I did get something done today, me and SWMBO managed to clad the back of the shed and get a couple coats of paint on before rain stopped play. So, there is just one more side to clad now, and the beast should be water-proof.

I also had to do some repairs to the roof. When I put the felt on last time, again rain stopped play just as I was finishing up. However there was some excess flappage over the back-edge and the wind had managed to get up and under the flappage and has torn some of the felt, and pulled some of it up and over the clout nails resulting in some holy felt.

So, an hour or so of re-nailing the stuff down and then nailing it up and under to makesure the wind couldn't get into has managed to fix it.

I've ordered the rest of the wood for all the trim, which includes; 3x1 to make into an 'L' shape and run up the corners to cover the end-gran of the shiplap, 6x1 facia boards will run down the length of the right-hand side back and front(barge-board). And hopefully some more cladding to finish of a few area's that need a thin slither to finish off.

Some bad news today. I went to order the doors from wickes - the ones that I had specifically made the door-opening for had sold out!! DOh!! The doors were 686mm wide, and I made the doorframe big enough for two, however all the other doors they have are 750mm+ which means i've eitehr got to forget about glazed doors and go for the right size door, OR make my own.

I'm leaning towards making my own as ive never done it before, and it will be a usueful excercise in a frame and panel and tenoning.. I can also glaze with polycarb instead of glass which I prefer. I'll have to think about it in more detail.

One last thing

IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! And I intend to get very very drunk! So day 16 maybe a little bit of a mess!
rain of course, mate. tins shacks have a bad hammer effect.
and what ever anyone says it rains in britain. :lol:

i think that whatever anyone says, insulation inside does not drown
out the sound of the rain fall.

paul :wink:
engineer one":26vxmtkq said:
I think that whatever anyone says, insulation inside does not drown out the sound of the rain fall.
Oh, I soooooo agree (horrid Americanism, but none the less appropriate)

BTW, happy birthday Byron!

Byron lack wrote:
I also had to do some repairs to the roof. When I put the felt on last time, again rain stopped play just as I was finishing up. However there was some excess flappage over the back-edge and the wind had managed to get up and under the flappage and has torn some of the felt, and pulled some of it up and over the clout nails resulting in some holy felt.

Holy felt? Are you going to be praying in there as well then? :lol:

What happens at the corners?

You cut them 3/4 of the way up and lap them over themselves , because its on the vertical part of the aris rail anyway your not effecting the roof .
The hot tar should fill any gaps but if it does leak your already on the outside of the roof . It is a weak point so needs to be done well .
Happy birthday Byron :eek:ccasion4: :eek:ccasion5:
happy birthday byron
well spotted scrit
just a note on the steel roofing sheets
my neighbour has just bought 5x 3.0m sheets , each covers 1m and he got the proper fixing for them . the best bit is the cost
only £95.00 delivered to his door
got to be better than a built up felt roof
i swear by the steel sheets , any day of the week, over felt .

Mel - whats your view on the noise of the sheets? I'm not sure I would be that bothered about the rain, after spending many months and weeks camping, i'm kind of used to it :)
its like being on holiday, in a caravan, on the east coast . :lol: :lol: sitting in waiting for the rain to stop.
you either love it or hate it ,
dont think it would be so bad if the sheets were direct to the existing roof
the beauty with these steel sheets is they last forever
Have you thought about using shingles Byron? I used them on mine and I think they look great. I layed mine on top of the roof felt and have had no problems.


i'm considering shingles too. They sell them in Wickes
filsgreen":5ihnym63 said:
Have you thought about using shingles Byron? I used them on mine and I think they look great. I layed mine on top of the roof felt and have had no problems.

I agree, used them on my kids playhouse:
