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Established Member
25 Aug 2006
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I'm kind of thinking I might need a half decent bandsaw for an upcoming project and found Scott and Sargeant's web site where they list a used Startrite 352. However you are asked to contact them for a quote. Well, it turned out the 'contact' was a web-form where there are all sort of compulsory fields to fill in. So I entered my name and email address but balked at the postal address fields and just put a no-spam sentence in the boxes. Likewise, I entered ex-directory for phone and fax numbers.

Well I get a reply of sorts but no price quote. Not ready to give up I emailed back and asked again.

I got another email
Please let us have your full address / contact details so that we can reply.

Thank you

Mark Gibson
Scott & Sargeant Woodworking Machinery Ltd

So I reply for the third time saying all I want is a price and not loads of bumf through my letterbox; again I ask for a quote.

Well, you guessed it I got another reply but again no price. Here is what they said...
Sorry, but we don't quote to "anonymous" e-mailers. We are a reputable company - probably one of the UK's top 3 best known in our field. We don't spam, we send out about 1 physical catalogue shot and 2 e-mails shoots a year.

It's up to you...

Mark Gibson
Scott & Sargeant Woodworking Machinery Ltd

Now I remember this company from way back when they started in a corner of a rather pretentious cookshop in Horsham. Is it me or have they grown just a tad precious in the intervening 35 years?

As the man says "it's up to you", personally I would take my business elsewhere.
Top 3 ? Ive never heard of them but then that only displays my ignorance :) In my defence Im not a machine user. If I needed a machine Id head for Axminster as first stop.
Cheers Mike
Hi Angela and a belated welcome!

S&S have a bit of a reputation in the trade, they're certainly not liked by a lot of the other dealers and they can be a bit "stuffy" as you were implying. I've dealt with them in the past as a customer, albeit not recently, and they were OK. Nothing more, just OK.

With an attitude like that I wouldn't touch them!

Nice to know Rutlands aren't all that bad then by comparison !!! :shock: :lol:

Cheers, Paul. :D
Personally I'd mail Gibson, drop a link to this thread and them tell him where to go. "top 3 best known in our field"? Tell him to shut the gate behind him.
I'd give them a by Angela.

In this day an age any supplier dealing with clients electronically should understand their wish not to give out any more personal info than is necessary.

The "it's up to you..." bit just comes across as impertinence!

Best of luck in your search elsewhere I say!
What a disgusting attitude! I would email them back and tell them where to shove their products and let them know you'll be taking your business elsewhere! I will certainly not entertain purchasing anything from in the future because of your experience.
Thanks for the support, guys.

I already sent 2 emails back; the first with 'byeee' and the second doing exactly as Noel suggested. I just hope their MD is a bit p**d off by what is happening here.

But thinking about the strange behaviour, I am now wondering if their website is showing 2nd user equipment that they don't actually have. In that way they would get a potential customer's details and then, when they phone back, they could try to sell some new gear instead.

A bit like the way employment agencies advertise all sort of smart jobs that always seemed to have been 'just filled' when you phone up. But they then have you on their books and know you are looking to change.

So I conclude it was probably a pretty underhand sales pitch. But, whatever, I'll avoid Scott and Seargent like the plague in future.

And once again thanks for the support everyone!

I just bought a factory reworked DeWalt 738 from a company called FixIt on eBay. Good machine and better still from yoru point of view - seemed to be a good seller
Some suggestions for companies like this:

1. Mail back to the person who is asking for your postal address and ask them for their personal (home) postal address so that you can validate teir personal credentials! :)

2. Sign up for the mail prefernce sevice, which is designed to protect you from junk mail. Then tell the person who insists, that you are subscroibed to the service and if they persist in requesting your data, say that you will report them to the service's compliance section

3. Remind them that under the terms of the Data Protection act they have a duty to only collect necessary personal data - and that a postal address is not necessary for an eMail quote. If they persist, ask them for their Data Protection Registration details so you can report them to the Data Protection Registrar

Frankly, I am always suspicious of any company that tells you how reputable they are; reputations are self evident, not self awarded. Fact is, if they demand your postal address it's because they have every intention of abusing it.
Their concept of customer service and professionalism are 'interesting'. It makes me wonder why they are in business as they are neither 'potential customer friendly' nor (apparently) keen to sell products.

Anybody in this day and age that insists on you giving them unnecessary personal data should be treated with extreme caution.

I notice that on Ebay in the scottandsargeant feedback that one of the negative comments is

"Dose not give full payment details adds vat at end of auction"

to which the impressive and mature reply is

"Reply by scottandsargeant: I suggest you read the payment instructions before bidding in future. Waster!'

For the third largest company of this type to lower themselves to this level of childish verbal abuse says it all to me.

To do list, Monday 18/9/06

1. dig out list of potential future suppliers

2. cross out Scott&Sargeant

3. re-file list

.....nuff said!
With electronic forms in these situtions I usually put a false address (god help the poor sod that does live a 1 acacia road :D ) or put the companies head office / registered address in.

I have my own domain so I can put anything before the @ that I like, I always use the company name that I'm registering with - that way you can see who is selling on your email address.

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