It seems there is a slight bend in the fence on my table saw, probably 0.3mm - according to my dial gauge. Though I measured the low profile flip over fence, and that appears to be bang on. The fence is 63cm long - the bend appears to be pretty central.
When I received the saw, it was all loosely/poorly packed, with the saw pretty much free to roll around amongst all the other parts, including the fence. I had visually checked it, and thought it was ok. It was only today when I got the dial gauge I could check it.
It's a Dewalt DW745. I received it last week, and have only made two cuts with it. I have already requested a new riving knife from Dewalt, as that was bent. I am tempted to request a new fence too! Perhaps my expectations are too high though, or I am just being too anal about this.
On a more positive note, the saw aligns to mitre slots perfectly, hooray Well the fence does too, just with a slight bend.
When I received the saw, it was all loosely/poorly packed, with the saw pretty much free to roll around amongst all the other parts, including the fence. I had visually checked it, and thought it was ok. It was only today when I got the dial gauge I could check it.
It's a Dewalt DW745. I received it last week, and have only made two cuts with it. I have already requested a new riving knife from Dewalt, as that was bent. I am tempted to request a new fence too! Perhaps my expectations are too high though, or I am just being too anal about this.
On a more positive note, the saw aligns to mitre slots perfectly, hooray Well the fence does too, just with a slight bend.