Before I submit and buy a new PC. ...Help!

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Yep - get a Mac. Seriously - you're old PC is telling you something. And don't compare a £500 pc with a £1200 Mac - the components and software are world's apart - honestly. If you go to Mac now, you will almost certainly never switch back.
condeesteso":24k90ovf said:
Yep - get a Mac. Seriously - you're old PC is telling you something. And don't compare a £500 pc with a £1200 Mac - the components and software are world's apart - honestly. If you go to Mac now, you will almost certainly never switch back.

And it will run Windoze if you really must - on the assumption you get an Intel mac - so you can use your existing programs.

However, one feels that its unlikely from your comments so far. Whatever, I hope it all sorts itself out.
condeesteso":8xkis0pn said:
Yep - get a Mac. Seriously - you're old PC is telling you something. And don't compare a £500 pc with a £1200 Mac - the components and software are world's apart - honestly. If you go to Mac now, you will almost certainly never switch back.

Well, I can't argue. You might well be right. However, I'd sooner have a Domino and a new SCMS. So the PC/Mac are secondary considerations and money will have to be saved somewhere. Maybe I will forgo the LN Low angle smoother; for now... 8)

Thanks again for the input folks. I am obliged.

John :)
Morning John

I use Avast and I'm a bit worried what you have described.

Which version are you running?


Deejay":bhco811e said:
Morning John

I use Avast and I'm a bit worried what you have described.

Which version are you running?




I am not running it any more. :twisted:
I have gone back to AVG. So far no problems.
I can't recall what version of Avast I was running, but whichever it was, it was up to date. Infuriatingly so. It has ruined quite a few of my video recording, because of the sudden automatic updates and the verbal notification that comes out of the blue! :D


John :)
Hello John

It has ruined quite a few of my video recording, because of the sudden automatic updates and the verbal notification that comes out of the blue!

Hadn't thought about that :?

I routinely back up all my personal stuff to an external HD. I'll bear it in mind in future.


The thing that bothers me about Microsoft products is that they seem to attract the attention of the low life who think it's fun to give people grief. How 'bullet proof 'is Security Essentials ?


It's the "free" version of MS forefront client security (now endpoint). Basically identical except lacks centralised management.

I've just deployed the FCS/FEP accross 1500 machines in each of our sites and it's fine.

I use Security Essentials on all my home stuff that runs windows, it's free and low impact (and I would argue that it is better than other "free" stuff as a) others want you to pay for pro versions, b) it's an ms product running on a ms os (all ms products seem to play nicer with each other).

imho AVG is about as good at stopping unwanted stuff as a paper bag is at water retention.

You could also try clamAV I believe they offer a windows version in addition to the linux version.
Now, if someone could 'build' an effective firewall we wouldn't need any anti-virus programs. They all slow the machine down..
Agreed. I have seen all sorts get past client's AVG installs recently.
I now use MS security essentials on all my home PCs.

adamwilliams":15pnvzkp said:
All you can do is a fresh install . Luckily you saved your files. i wasn't that much lucky. i got disabled the copying facility too. But i repaired the windows with the windows disk using startup repair.
And i don't use AVG now :)

I reinstalled about three weeks ago now, and as the guy who fell off the Empire State Building said, 'So far so good.'

I have tried endless virus programs that are free.
AVG failed me,
Comodo wasn't much better
Microsoft Solutions didn't appeal
Avast was way too slow and also the constant irritating updates that spoiled recordings really fizzed me off.

So I got Zonealarm and go commando otherwise!

John 8)
Its been interesting reading all this. But your all mad. PCs are the work of the devil and the Mac is the work of lower level demon.

For virus protection and other stuff I run something called BIT Defender Pro. Its expensive but runs well and I have had no virus infections for 7 years. In fact my PC has not had a rebuild for the same 7 years bbut I use it more like a dumb terminal than a PC.

My main systems run on old Digital Equip operating systems and a network that is just about untrashable. I run 2 8964 mini computers, 6 replaceable hard drives cabinets, a comms rack ( 6 DSL lines) etc etc. It takes up 1/4 of my garage floor space, runs my business and my home computers. You should see the look on the BT engineers face when they come to repair a DSL cock-up.

It cost me £750 and was rescued from a DEC office before being put in a skip. Mind you the electricity bill is a pipper.

PCs what are they other than toys. Macs just as bad.
Please don't say I am mad. I am mad if I invest in a four figure status symbol which doesn't do what I really need it to do.
So I stay with a PC. At the worst I can reinstall, or maybe replace the occasional component. if I was just starting, I would maybe use Mac. But I am at the top of the hill, looking down, and there's only one direction in which to go .. :mrgreen:
An instance the other day when a member complained about is TV recordings being messed about.

He is a Mac man and I assume he cannot get BBC i/player, this applies to other things macs cannot do as well.
devonwoody":2huixy6g said:
An instance the other day when a member complained about is TV recordings being messed about.

He is a Mac man and I assume he cannot get BBC i/player, this applies to other things macs cannot do as well.
There is nothing a Mac cannot do that a PC can do. If it won't run native, all Intel Macs will run Windoze for the desperate.
devonwoody":2lf8i4yx said:
Does that mean I can connect my Yamaha music keyboard using its midi connection to a mac?
You will have to ask someone who has done that but I am quite sure there will be a suitable lead. Macs are used extensively in the music industry.
devonwoody":37cu91wv said:
An instance the other day when a member complained about is TV recordings being messed about.

He is a Mac man and I assume he cannot get BBC i/player, this applies to other things macs cannot do as well.


If you meant yours truly, I was referring to personal recordings I make, being interrupted by an audio file telling me Avast had been updated on my PC.

These little 'helpers' just chirp in at any old time, and if I am in the middle of a recording, it gets recorded onto the track, thus ruining my 'wonderful' guitar work! :mrgreen:

John 8)