Axminster chisel offer

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reviews arent the best tho
Not so good
I have ordered this set kind off inspired by such good reviews. I have to say that overall impression is that these tools have a poor manufacturing and fairly bad finish. Edges are out of square as with sides. After sharpening looks like a pretty soft steel. Really dissapointed.
Paul Sellers says the Lidl/Aldi set at a similar price are a good buy so probably worth waiting for those to come up rather than buy the Axi set
+1 for the Aldi Set, got some after watching Paul Sellers video, and I have to say I am impressed.
ive got a set of the axminster ones and they arent too bad, although they arent ground straight, they take a good edge and tend to keep it ok too.
i have a set of ashley iles now but id still feel bad about doing anything rough with the axi ones lol even though i only paid £20 odd for 4