Avatars - what & why??


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I caught this 7 and 1/2 lb salmon on the River Conon three weeks ago. Beautiful part of the world.


Just changed mine to a picture of my faithful hound Macduff as a mark of respect and in memory of him as he died on Saturday evening.
I'll miss him! :cry: :cry: :cry:

Thanks guys - he was a great dog!
Looked fearsome but soft as anything. If you broke in my house he'd give you a hand to carry the telly out!
I don't have any pets myself, mainly because I was alergic.

I can understand that for a pet to pass away it must be like part of your life dissapearing, after all, they are part of the family.

Sorry Andy
I owe him a lot, he actually got me the interview for my job!
I put on my CV for the Good Woodworking job that I had a dog called Macduff, and the reason he was called it was because when it was time for a walk - 'lead on, Macduff!'
Phil Davy, the editor at the time thought it was fantastic and got me in for an interview!
Nothing to do with what you know or don't know sometimes... :lol:

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, Andy :( . I hope Macduff passed peacefully.

My old dog is in her decline and I know I'll be heartbroken when she finally passes.

Yes, he died pretty peacefully - he had a chest infection for a couple of weeks and was picking up after a course of antibiotics, but he was panting a lot because of it.
He was 12, quite old for a staffie, especially as he was a big 'un.
Wouldn't chase a stick when he could pick up a tree, and he would happily do so, a trunk or limb of 6inch diameter and 6 feet long would be nothing for him, he'd pick them up on the shoreline opposite my house and run around for ages! That's why his teeth are snapped in the picture, all done at about 1 year old, picking up trunks and throwing them over his shoulder...
As for trying to catch boomerangs I made for him - it's lucky he had any teeth at all!
Last six months he got old quite quickly, decided that walking was too much like hard work, but would still have a 'puppy moment' and run round the garden with a log :roll:
Anyway, after his usual scrounge from my youngest daughter, he decided he wanted a walk over the field, and collapsed and died of heart failure.
Very quick though, and he died where he loved. I reckon he knew his time was up and wanted one last look of his old stamping ground.
I'm glad I never had to get him to the vet to be put down - I couldn't have handled that!
He's now buried in the back garden, and we'll plant a pear tree in his honour, but away slightly from him. He chomped through the trunks of two of them in his younger days and ran round the garden with them, and I still don't trust him not to do the same again!!! :lol:
Very sad news indeed Andy. Its just not right that they aren't immortal. I'm glad he went in a way that you and he would have wanted (although always too soon).

Maybe you can make a vintage perry to remember him with.

All the best

Sorry to hear of your loss Andy,one of the sad facts of life our dogs don't live as long as we do, only time will heal the loss,
My avatar until recently was of our Bearded Collie who past away at 15 years old and I never felt like changing it until the demise of my photo host, now my avatar is of our Cavalier King Charles spaniel who is 9 and loves to be on the bench whenever I am in the workshop, yes he is a bench dog,


Sorry to hear this news, it is a big loss.

I love the story about the pear trees, very fitting he should have his own one.

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