I picked this old S & J handsaw up during the week; I bought it along with two other saws (one S & J ""Workshorse" and another unmarked saw, both 22") for €15 in total. This saw is in reasonable condition, certainly a good user once cleaned up and sharpened. Any ideas on its vintage? It has a good etch which reads " Made by New Process- Spear & Jackson- Warranted Silver Steel Sheffield 88B". Included in the etch are the following instructions: "If possible set with a hammer instead of a plier saw set" and "Extra high temper, set points of teeth only, reset frequently". The heel is stamped "6 PTS". There is a paper disc label under the brass medallion, very worn and illegible. This saw has two broken teeth and badly needs a topping anyway as the tooth line is very uneven. After cleaning up the plate I intend to top, shape, sharpen and set in the original 6 point configuration. I have a suitable Somax sat set which I'd be happier to use in setting as I've no experience using a hammer and punch for setting teeth. Is this advisable or should I heed the maker's instructions? I'm a novice in saw sharpening terms, having only sharpened 6 handsaws to date but I'm reasonably confident of my abilities. Any info on dating this saw much appreciated, thanks.