I've had to put a new thin strip of beech into an 8 year old kitchen run of cabinets with beech faced board. The new fridge didnt fit into the old gap by 22mm. So I had to move the back and side boards and make this strip as an infill.
This strips visible area is only 22mm wide, but the full 90cm high.
Of course, the new stands out like a sore thumb in between the old units.
How can I darken this strip to make it blend more?
And when I say "darken" I really mean give it an older "glow" rather than actual dark. I just want to reduce the obvious mis match.
I've used danish oil, but after 2 coats its still glaring at me.
This strips visible area is only 22mm wide, but the full 90cm high.
Of course, the new stands out like a sore thumb in between the old units.
How can I darken this strip to make it blend more?
And when I say "darken" I really mean give it an older "glow" rather than actual dark. I just want to reduce the obvious mis match.
I've used danish oil, but after 2 coats its still glaring at me.