Just taken my JET lunchbox thicknesser apart for the first time to clean and have a nose around. The way I read the manual the knives arent perfectly set.
I cant get a picture from the manual on this page, so if anyone could help you can see what I need on page 7 of this manual;
http://www.jetmachinery.com.au/sites/de ... manual.pdf.
From how I read this section, The guide should rotate over the knife and block without catching. Well it does.
On one knife the blade catches both sides of the guide, and on the other side the blade catches one side of the guide.
I bought this new and have not looked in here before.
The surface finish on planks is not as good as I expected, but never having used one before I dont actually know what to expect.
Opinions gratefully received
I cant get a picture from the manual on this page, so if anyone could help you can see what I need on page 7 of this manual;
http://www.jetmachinery.com.au/sites/de ... manual.pdf.
From how I read this section, The guide should rotate over the knife and block without catching. Well it does.
On one knife the blade catches both sides of the guide, and on the other side the blade catches one side of the guide.
I bought this new and have not looked in here before.
The surface finish on planks is not as good as I expected, but never having used one before I dont actually know what to expect.
Opinions gratefully received