Another Mac pic query?

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Established Member
13 Apr 2006
Reaction score
Salisbury, UK
I've just scanned in an old pic and can see it in IPhoto, so no problem. I then go onto PBucket and try to upload it. I can see it there but when I click on the pic to make it 'live' ready to upload, nothing happens, it's dead. All the other pics in the albums are OK, it's just this one pic. I'm doing something slightly wrong...but what? - Rob
There may be another way but the thing I found that works for me is to locate the image in Finder and copy it to Documents or the Desktop. Then I can get it to load from there into my online photo album.
What trype of file is it because you can only load certain types to Photbucket. JPEGS are one type but I can't remember the others.

If you go to Finder and have a look at Today file in the left coloumb, click on it and you should see your photo file in there. Go to your Photobucket and select download then go to Today, as above, double click on you scan file and if it is one of the accepted file types it should download.

2nd 1/2 of Ireland/Wales gota go!!
'Today, Yesterday and Last Week' smart folders aren't in OSX 10.7 Lion, btw - at least not by default...

Easiest alternative way is probably via the PhotoBucket iPhoto Exporter plugin - here. You can do it through the web-based uploader but it's best to export the files from iPhoto first; you can access the original files from the Finder at "Yourusername">Pictures>iPhotoLibrary, then right-click & "show package contents" but you need to be very careful not to change the file structure at all as this could muck up your iPhoto Albums. Hence the proliferation of iPhoto Exporter Plugins... ;)
Jonzjob":3pkf2ih9 said:
What trype of file is it because you can only load certain types to Photbucket. JPEGS are one type but I can't remember the others.

If you go to Finder and have a look at Today file in the left coloumb, click on it and you should see your photo file in there. Go to your Photobucket and select download then go to Today, as above, double click on you scan file and if it is one of the accepted file types it should download.
I don't think 'twere a JPEFG file if memory serves...that's probably the reason why - Rob
Jonzjob":3arv8lsh said:
What trype of file is it because you can only load certain types to Photbucket. JPEGS are one type but I can't remember the others.

If you go to Finder and have a look at Today file in the left coloumb, click on it and you should see your photo file in there. Go to your Photobucket and select download then go to Today, as above, double click on you scan file and if it is one of the accepted file types it should download.
I don't think 'twere a JPEFG file if memory serves...that's probably the reason why - Rob
petermillard":cgf4o501 said:
'Today, Yesterday and Last Week' smart folders aren't in OSX 10.7 Lion, btw - at least not by default...

the file structure at all as this could muck up your iPhoto Albums. Hence the proliferation of iPhoto Exporter Plugins... ;)

That sounds to me like another god reason to give Lion a miss!
RogerS":1jlu0lu5 said:
petermillard":1jlu0lu5 said:
'Today, Yesterday and Last Week' smart folders aren't in OSX 10.7 Lion, btw - at least not by default...

the file structure at all as this could muck up your iPhoto Albums. Hence the proliferation of iPhoto Exporter Plugins... ;)

That sounds to me like another god reason to give Lion a miss!

Sort of a heaven sent miss ehhhh :roll: