Hi guys,
I'm having a go at my first proper bowl in a beautiful piece of steamed beech, using my newly ground bowl gouge (thanks Bob!).
The gouge is being kept sharp, my cuts are slicing, i'm getting really fine shavings but I can't seem to get rid of some areas of end grain 'roughage'.
I have noticed that when I turn the piece by hand the motor lifts ever so slightly once a revolution, which makes me want to think the main drive shaft coming out of the motor is slightly warped?
My question is - would this explain the rough bits I can't seem to touch?
I've put photos below.
This is the face grain, sanded to 120;
This is my end grain, made more obvious for my phone by sanding to 240;
I'm having a go at my first proper bowl in a beautiful piece of steamed beech, using my newly ground bowl gouge (thanks Bob!).
The gouge is being kept sharp, my cuts are slicing, i'm getting really fine shavings but I can't seem to get rid of some areas of end grain 'roughage'.
I have noticed that when I turn the piece by hand the motor lifts ever so slightly once a revolution, which makes me want to think the main drive shaft coming out of the motor is slightly warped?
My question is - would this explain the rough bits I can't seem to touch?
I've put photos below.
This is the face grain, sanded to 120;
This is my end grain, made more obvious for my phone by sanding to 240;