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Bill has commented in the past about others purloining his work and not paying for it. Helluva first post on the Creek, though

ummm. let the s**t hit the fan eh?

TBh, as a pro woodworker, I have *some* doubts about Bills claims. However, what cannot be ignored by anyone is that he and he alone has probably done more to raise the issue of dust removal and the related hazzards then anyone else.

When I was the supervisor for a hospital, we had an air sample done. Now I really cannot remember the details, but the air was preety damn good, That was with an old system 30 years old, but checked every year by P&J.

I personally would not go too over the top. Go for the largest/most suitable system you can but certainly if you work with MDF or exotics a very fine filter would be advisable. Like anything, a sense of rationale should be employed.

i found both views interesting, but what is more interesting
is that bill pentz's work does not seem to make any mention
of the air flow,hence dust flow inside and around the machinery.

i personally think his claim that an amateur breathes more dust
than a pro is a little over the top, if you only work 12-20 hours a
week you cannot have the same exposure as someone working
40 hours a week.

and as for his air flow calculations well i too would love
to know on what they are based. i am absolutely sure that almost
no amateur in the uk could have cyclones the size promoted,
and in most cases as for instance barry burgess has porved,
that is not necessary.

i think the other thing is the yanks use many more machines than
we do, so our dust patterns are not the same. i have searched
the pentz site for proper air flow data, and frankly was disappointed. :evil:

intreguing the reactions to the post were not as totally supportive
as pentz as you would have expected. :twisted:

paul :wink:
I've always wondered if Bill Pentz was blowing more hot air than he let on. I don't have proof one way or the other. His claims might be just so much dust. Still, I think this Mr Witter, if that's really who started this thread, was very unprofessional in his approach. This would make me shy away from doing business with Oneida.

Of course how do we know this isn't a shill working with Bill? The internet is a squirrely place. Who knows what's really real?

Ah well. I'm pleased we don't have any of that sort of stuff going on here.

BTW, Niki, aren't you about due to show us another jig or something? I think it's been a while and I for one am starting to get itchy to see your latest low-cost, why-didn't-I-think-of-that bit of genius. :D
Interesting, and definitely good that we don't get that stuff here

I must say that for ages I have been worried about claims across the web that all 'standard' dust collection kit is inadequate rubbish and only a cyclone will save your life :wink: Clearly both work fine and you takes your choice.
Tony I think you missed the point both are arguing for cyclones with different designs. Airflow is important and the stopping of the extractor becoming the biggest dust producer is very important and the standard extractors are just that with MDF.
Pecker":1de1kl2a said:
ahh. I've just posted there, but the topic seems to be have been pulled at the moment.


typical I'm always too late to read the juicy bits.


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