Woodworking stores in Orlando??


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Nice one Neil - hadn't spotted that!
Mind you Orlando's looks to be a big place - that's 30 miles from my hotel!
Mmmm - Universal Studios or Woodcraft!! I have only this Sunday free from work ...
theres a couple of Lowes stores dotted about,i went to one in Kissimmee just of the 192 (think it was that),there a bit like our b&q but better.
If you are after something specific a number of stores can deliver to your hotel with 2 days. I was just in Miami and Woodcraft.com delivered a couple of hand planes to my hotel. It worked like a dream.
By the way thanks all of you. I made use of Amazon's excellent delivery service (and prices) right to my room and also paid a visit to Home Depot (must be the same people who own B&Q?) and Woodcraft. It was all enough to make me want to move out to the US!