Woodworking questionnaire


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26 Apr 2016
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Hi dears,
My name is Lorenzo, I'm a student of Mechanical engineering from University of L'Aquila Abruzzo, Italy. My class is trying to develop an innovative Woodworking electric-tool. So we need to collect the requests of the possibile users of this product. We've written a short questionnaire and we are very grateful if someone of you would answer it. There are only few questions and it takes a short time to complete it.
By clicking on the link below you have access to the poll. When you finished it you just have to click to "Invia" button to send your answers.


So thank you very very much for the collaboration, I really appreciate it and If you have some suggestions, particular request feel free to write it on this thread.
Some questions are naive - for example you ask about processes but only allow choice of one when most are relevant.
Some questions seem irrelevant to your purpose.
You refer to CNC machining without context.

The lack of thought in the questionnaire put me off, so I did not submit it.
Not being much of an experienced wood worker I'm probably the last person's opinions you need. But reading AJB Temple's response I didn't even bother to try and open the Questionnaire.

Why not?

Call me an old fool if you like, but I never answer any sort of Questionnaires which involve only box ticking and where one is only given a choice of one possible answer to a question where, with qualification, several different answers MAY apply according to specific circumstances.

Sorry, if you want to get somewhere and some decent opinions to guide you then it sounds like you need to rethink a bit.


I opened the questionnaire and filled it out.

To me it came across as made by someone who thinks that a new machine by definition has to be CNC operated and able to make "intelligent" decisions that the operator is unable to do himself.

I have ideas for several machines that don'ät exist on the market. Machines designed to overcome shortcomings of the standard machines used today. Ideas that have grown in my head while repairing and using older designs. I just lack the manufacturing facilities and capital needed to make full size prototypes for my own use.
None of theese ideas of mine contain any electrical components more complicated than three phase motors with electronic brakes.

Please think outside the CNC box and I am sure you will come up with something great!

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