Where to get wood


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Established Member
18 Aug 2010
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New Forest
I've borrowed a woodturning lathe for a couple of weeks and am slowly working my way through Woodworking: A Foundation Course.

I never realised that turning was so much fun! I think I feel an addiction coming on!

However I'm having difficulty finding a supplier for hardwood blanks in my area, all I can find is people selling 2 meter or so planks which at sizes like 9" x 3" is a little out of my price range!

Does anyone know of a supplier of bowl and spindle blanks in the New Forest / Southampton area?
Look in Yellow pages or similar for a sawmill. They will usually have small pieces and burrs, I found one and the prices were much better than woodturning specialists.
I used to live on the Isle of Wight (42 years) and 60% of my wood came from gardens, I used to put notices in Post Offices etc.

As for timber supplies i.e. fairly low moisture content, try any sawmill, ask to look in their offcuts! Most sawmills I visit have corners of yards or barns etc. where odds and sods accumulate because they are unsaleable or too lumpy for woodburners etc. There can be real gems from time to time!

Even short planks of Sycamore can be purchased relatively cheaply and it being so forgiving can offer opportunities unthought of before!

The majority of us are living under the situation of not having money for the timber we would like but may I suggest that a cheap B&Q shed 6 x 4 can store an enormous amount of wood that can be slowly losing moisture and can feed the obsession very well!

Hope you eventually purchase your own lathe because this is very catching! The Foundation course is the same that I studied and many thousands of others and will really give you an appetite for more!

Welcome to the world of turning obsession, Peter.
Ro, if you live in the New Forest just have a wander around. There is bound to be loads of wood just lying around that isn't any good for anything. Get to know one or 2 of the rangers too. They would be chuffed to get the odd small bowl from you I'll bet and then you will have more than you can handle..

Edit : - I also meant to say, welcome to the slippery slope!! A great place to be! We all had to learn, so don't be afraid to ask questions no matter how daft you think they may be...
John Davis is worth a visit as he does keep a good supply. Also very helpful.

The alternative is an hours drive up the A34 to Didcot to the Tooplost which has everything ....

They have an Event this weekend "Autumn Open House" with exhibitors etc., which would be well worth the trip http://www.toolpost.co.uk/


Wonderful, thank you all for your suggestions, I will be trying out some of them very soon!

I already have some wood I have picked up from the forest and driftwood from the beach, If I'm seasoning these in the shed am I best to seal the ends or just put in in the shed and forget about it?
Wood from the forest might be better sealed, depends o how long it has been off the tree. Driftwood is usually OK. Be careful though as it is hard to tell what it is so make sure you have your dust protection going.


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