Where do you keep your extra tools?


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Grinding One

Established Member
29 Apr 2008
Reaction score
Illinois USA
Just trying to get some info,I always tell my wife I have one but its like a library out there,I think I need a file cabinet to link to the tools....last look for a basin wrench.I knew I had one just misplaced it again....dang water leak.
I got a few plastic storage boxes from a DIY store and labelled them 'car/bike/mower', 'water', 'electric' and 'oddball' and just divided the seldom used tools into near-as categories. I still have too many tools lying about but now I can find specific stuff in emergencies.
Grinding One

I'm like BMac - I have one main toolbox and then three separate plastic toolboxes for DIY, decorating and bricklaying/plumbing. Awkward tools like clamps are hung on the walls of the garage. Other odds and ends are in a converted chest of drawers in the garage too.

Antique tools are kept in my wardrobe. But I'm not a collector....
Having come almost to the end of a long long refurbishment, the system I ended up with was one small plastic toolbox for all the electrical tools, one for the plumbing tools and one for the plasterboarding tools.

I also bought at auction several of those drill bits in a metal boxed set and use those. Makes hunting for drill bits a bit easier providing you remember to replace the bits after use.

Oh yes.....same auction...bought a zillion tape measures 'cos I kept losing them. Stanley knives also need to be bought in quantity as do pencils.

Plus too many trays full of tools, bits, chucks, screws and dust...and being absent minded I was looking all over for the hammer so I could do a bit of cold-chiselling. Looked all over the floors in all the rooms. In my hand all the time. :oops: :oops:
Well I leave all of the routers on their own equipment,I do have a few that have grown legs once in awhile...The statonary tools of course do not move so when I have an away from home job the festools come out to play...All hand tools have their own drawers but some how get out of them by themselves....I keep telling Moma the kids are takeing them out,not my kids she says...Do I have .Alzeimers then??Now the carving tools all have a spot on the bench,but special tools well they just hide on me....My leather tooling tools all are on trays or plastic boxes....my sewing machines are not allowed to get dust on themselves,moma again doesn`t like that...My wood also seems to be disappearing,guess I will just have to watch harder....Lawnmower can not fit in garage anymore so its outside getting snowed on....I just have to fine a better spot for things....Thanks for the help guys!!
My occasionally used tools all used to be kept in the house, but finally I've got them all in their own place in my private workshop. I'm not syaing there any easier to find, but at least there not inside the house anymore!
I've seperate toolboxes for different areas of work - ie joinery, locksmithing, electrical etc. This also means I've duplicates of most items, but it also means I only have to carry one main bag/box from the van + power tools of course. I've also seperate storage boxes for fixings, sealants/adhesives, abrasives etc. All very organised, but you'd never believe it looking in the back of the van.
I actually used the excuse of having to store all my precious tools in the house as an excuse to build the new workshop ;-) worked for me......

Anyway i also have seperate plastic boxes for General building, plumbing, electrical ect etc but i do find it annoying when i have tools that fit in more than one category what to do, maybe i should buy more tools and put one in each box ;-)

