well they burn wood, so wood related......?


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just can't decide
24 Jul 2020
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Vamos, Crete, GREECE.......
I mentioned about a year ago a local baker that runs a wood fired oven...olive wood......
a mate on here said "no photo's it don't happen".....well here u go.....


Have to say it's the best bread I've ever tasted in 70 odd years.....
they bake all day x 7 days a week and that loaf cost €2,30.....
Very nice, how bread should be but it is probably the wrong shape for our supermarkets in the uk or the wrong pattern. It is our local shops such as the bakers who have been wiped out by the larger chains and it would be nice to have a real local baker rather than the mass produced stuff.
it would be nice to have a real local baker rather than the mass produced stuff.
You can have a go yourself. We had a breadmaker but didn't really enjoy the bread. Jane has a silicone bread "tin" and uses the bread mix from the supermarkets and it makes a great loaf. It is a bit longwinded I am told as I haven't made one yet. On retirement it is one of the things I want to start having a go at; especially sourdough bread. That is if I have time with everything else I am going to make and do!
She has also made Focaccia with olive oil on and that was a great bread as well.
We have experimented with bread making during the lockdown, some good results others not so and we are lucky to have a Neff steam oven which makes proving much easier. Never tried a silicon tin though but it never stuck in our tins.
Very nice, how bread should be but it is probably the wrong shape for our supermarkets in the uk or the wrong pattern. It is our local shops such as the bakers who have been wiped out by the larger chains and it would be nice to have a real local baker rather than the mass produced stuff.
We have a 'Local' baker who has been in business for a very long time. They bake throughout the day so fresh bread is available well into the afternoon. Greggs opened up NEXT DOOR !! Apparently after some discussion as to why Greggs had not approached them with a view to buying them out, they were told "We don't want your business, just your customers" !

So it's not just supermarkets who try to wipe out 'local' traders.

Fortunately the Local man is still trading some 10 years after the 'Greggs' event and I refuse to even consider Greggs as a potential source of any food.
I must admit I can't resist a thick slice of sour dough with a generous portion of butter.
We have a couple three good bakeries with the closest being about a 20 to 25 minute drive away. Each of the 6 days a week they will have 2 or 3 different kinds of bread and a couple they bake every day. Not cheap though. $6Cad to $10Cad per loaf but worth every penny. Their sausage rolls, croissants, gelates (sp?) etc are wonderful too! I go there as a treat every few weeks. A loaf is often gone the same day, second for sure.

when I lived in S California.....El-Toro, nr the marine base or Orange county...
my treat was a viusit to an ex pat Brit baker.....he had a place in N, Los Angeles.....
went once per month....
apart from the bread he also made meat n potato pies.....mmmmmm...

been married for 22 years and still waiting for the m/potato pies.....
I even took her to Lancashire to taste the real thing.....hahaha....

Sat morning wondering around Stockport market eating a pie.....hahaha....memories eh....
Like many we got into lockdown breadmaking using the dough hook on the mixer, a decent quality loaf tin greased with a butter wrapper seemed to stop any sticking issues. One of the nice things was experimenting with the dough, we would make one small regular loaf and flatten the other half out, let it prove and dimple it with your fingers, fill the dimples with bits or halves of cherry toms and olives and drizzle with olive oil and a spinkle of italian seasoning and rock salt and out pops a focaccia type bread,,really nice and surprisingly professional. Btw how do people get on with “slashing” the top?
Instructions have you do it after the prove but I found it deflated the bread, and having seen the hairy bakers/bikers doing it as soon as it was placed in the tin before proving I took to doing it like that and it worked better for me.
Home made bread is a thing of the past at present, my wife helps at our local “community fridge” and they are overwhelmed with excess supermarket loaves, sourdough, french, you name it,,so were rather spoilt at the moment.
I must admit I can't resist a thick slice of sour dough with a generous portion of butter.
Something I haven't done for 20 years but make sour dough with a large spoon of honey in the mix eat warm with as you say generous butter.......
Stop it ! Stop it ! I thought that Porn was discouraged on this forum especially Bread Porn.
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i love baking bread from scratch. I bake every few days and, using my own starter, high quality flour and slow ferments, nothing tastes better.
Wow, that looks amazing.

my wife is gluten intolerant and has been buying gluten free bread, but it’s awful, on holiday this week we tried sourdough from a bakery near to our holiday cottage - and she seems fine with it so want to give it a go.

is there a website you have used for information about sourdough ?