Weather Forecasts

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If you want to know what's coming from the atlantic post a message - i'm sure us Irish contingent on here can tell you, rain, more rain followed by rain at the moment!


Grr I wish they'd spend the money on researching the weather properly! It said Firday was going to be hot and Sunny in my area all week until today where they have changed their mind and forecast Rain, Rain and more Rain!
By the way did you see there was a 28 day and a 6 month forecast!!!!!!!!!!

I wonder if they will make any changes to those as well :lol: :lol: :lol:
WiZeR":1070cwun said:
Grr I wish they'd spend the money on researching the weather properly! It said Firday was going to be hot and Sunny in my area all week until today where they have changed their mind and forecast Rain, Rain and more Rain!

ever tried to model complex or chaotic processes? or even measure them on a global scale for that matter?

They don't determine the weather, they try to predict it - sometimes inaccurately but usually pretty well.

The new map provides more information than the old. It will also improve with time as they get a 'feel' for the best way to get the information across. How many members of the general public really gleaned any useful information from seeing a buch of isobars on a map? Not many.

We get a 7 day forcast on our local station using the new maps, so why would you want more info about europe or atlantic? If it is coming it will be here in the 7 days that they forecast.

I always did my own forecasting after looking at the Atlantic charts, they have always given me something to look forward to!!!!!!!!!

Europe: Like to see what weather my neighbours are getting on their holidays :twisted:

In the SW local TV programs, we are getting the new charts.
les never a truer word ,we went camping in ireland and yes the rain was wet but the bl++dy wind was a bit fierce .and what was the weather like back home , yup it was hot very hot .but then again irish rain falls softly or so the locals tell us :wink: i hope to go back again soon ,and yes i have seen the forty shades of green :p hic hic

wizer you can blame les for sending he likes to share everything. :shock: :shock:

I'm not so sure about the new format either - not so much the technology of mimicking weather but the projection used.

I don't know why we need to see the UK from an oblique angle somewhere above the entrance to the Med. Surely if this were the viewpoint then the parallax would make the cloud/ rain positions impossible to judge.

I also have to question whether we need an animated board and a weather 'presenter'. My wife was on the phone yesterday and so the sound was off on the TV when the forecast was on. Could follow it perfectly except for the muppet standing in the way half the time. Plus the other day at least 1 minute (in a 4 minute transmission) was spent describing the previous day's weather.


To Tim

We didn't get the revolving screen this morning, great improvement.

Page 3 girls would be interesting to watch at 5.55am doing the weather I reckon :roll:
I agree, the weather report should be short and sweet without a presenter. Most people should be encouraged to check out the weather online. Much easier to get a local weather report than the generalised rubbish on the TV.

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