The short bed has about 11" swing at both ends (allowing about 22" diameter), although on the outboard end you can remove the support and use a free-standing support for very large items. The tailstock is really useful as you can use it when turning the full diameter (which I cant do on the Graduate as I have the long-bed rather than the bowl lathe). The toolrests both have straight vertical supports which are not as adjustable as the Graduate lathe, but they are perfectly adequate and only rarely do I find the lack of the swan neck awkward. The lathe is quite heavy, but again not quite up to the Graduate. It has holes in the base for bolting it down, which is highly recommended. The base is quite a large box, which can get in the way of your feet - an modern open framework lathe is unlikely to have that issue. I fitted an inverter allowing variable speed. I have done some pretty heavy turning, and bowl-saving on the lathe which it deals with really well (the bearings seem to be quite capable of heavy loads). Overall the Graduate is a slightly better machine, but the Viceroy is still a well made, solid lathe that I would recommend (price dependent of course).