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laird":r3o4bvby said:
Nope I'm not joking.
I had most of a large tumour surgically removed from the centre of my brain last October. The current radiotherapy is to try and take out the two remaining bits.
In the grand scheme of things I'm fine, thanks Matty.

Bloody **** mate. I'm a bit lost for words. I can only wish you all the best and hope you have a very speedy recovery. Certainly your positive attitude will help.
Laird, I hope all goes well for you. Keep positive. There are wood shavings to be made.


SNight perhaps you might re-read, and edit, your last post, it doesn't read very well.
xy mosian":2hok7bgm said:
Laird, I hope all goes well for you. Keep positive. There are wood shavings to be made.


SNight perhaps you might re-read, and edit, your last post, it doesn't read very well.

Without knowing the fella I was just making sure he wasn't saying it as a joke as it is a very serious subject, now it seems established he is not joking, I would like to offer him the best of luck and a hopefully a speedy recovery. xy mosian, maybe you should read the whole post to see how it sounded first before you start to tell people what they should do.
Snight, I had read the whole thread. My use of the word "perhaps" was to indicate a suggestion rather than an instruction. I was not telling anyone what to do, merely suggesting a course of action.