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Established Member
28 Jan 2010
Reaction score
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ian at Tuffsaws for being such a Gent and all round nice person, :D

Cheers m8.

The formula of superb product and friendly helpful service is a breath of fresh air these days.

UKW is blessed with a number of such small companies and for that we should be duly proud!

Nice one Ian!

Happy timing, as I've also just been on the receiving end of Ian's excellent service. Not many would trouble themselves on a Saturday afternoon to compose an email of options for bandsaw blade choice. =D>
As well as his blades being some of the best on the market, Ian really does go out of his way to keep you happy, and he has the knack of making you feel like you are his most favorite customer. (which of course I must be) :wink:


Hi everyone :D

Thank you very much for the kind words - it's really appreciated.

I'm very fortunate that I'm doing something that I love and know a little about!

It also helps that everyone that I've dealt with has been great as well, doesn't matter if it's through a forum, by email or over the phone, I haven't had one bad customer experience since I started working for myself and I've been a sole trader for all of 6 months now :D

I was only talking to another trader the other day saying how lucky I've been with the customers that I have and that even on my quiet days there's usually an email or phone call that will pick me up and be thankful that I'm doing what I love and not back in my last job (The one inbetween Dragon and working for myself)

It's always nice to get positive feedback so thanks again for all the kind comments - just hope that another thread doesn't open now saying what a git I am and that the blades are terrible!

Well, now you come to mention it...... ;)

No, only joking, I too was very pleased with the service provided and the time taken to make sure I got the best blade for what I needed.

For a novice to have the options explained in the level of detail I got was really helpful and my blade has been doing good service so far.

Thanks Ian,

very pleased with my recent purchases from Ian. Great quality blades, great prices and great service.

Great all round! :D :D
totally agree - just bought my first bandsaw left a message for ian , he got back to me really quick and was so helpfull and then fast delivery as well. :D
thanks for all your help ian
cheers paul
Totally agree with everyone that Ian provides an excellent service. I had a problem with a blade from him a couple of months back and it was swiftly replaced once I contacted him about the problem. You couldn't ask for better after sales service, plus excellent blades at very reasonable prices.
When you bear in mind that Ian is in the process of moving house too...

and building a new website....

Great bloke.
hi all
went up and seen ian today got a couple of blades from him.
got to say he is a realy nice chap,will do anything to help,well not every thing :) .give him a try all you wont be disappointed.
I got my new blades from Ian two weeks ago now and as I was with the blades I got from him at dragon I am very happy with them!

Cheers Ian! :lol: :lol: