Established Member
Following a LOT of advice on here, I've now got a table saw that cuts cleanly, accurately and consistently, OCU not withstanding. However, as my workshop (or single garage!) fills up with a growing array of tools, worktops to use them on and cabinets to store them in and the demand for ever larger work-pieces rises, I find I don't always have enough room to manoeuvre worksheets. Also, my circular saw died earlier this year and I replaced it with a cheaper model (as in really cheap and nasty with, best use found for it so far is as a weight when gluing up!) so I was thinking on treating myself to a new and better one, something not unlike a Festool TS55 with a guide rail. My thinking is that in a confined space it's going to be a lot easier to move a 'hand' tool along a rail secured to the substrate rather than coax are large, unwieldy sheet though a table saw. I see the TS55 also offers bevel cuts so I'm wondering if there's anything a table saw can do that I can't achieve with a track saw? Opinions please