Timber Yard Closed.


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Established Member
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23 Feb 2005
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North Wales
When I moved to Wales some 10 years ago I was introduced to a timber yard by a friend who had been one of the former owners.

The owner Neil Chapman from Blaenau Ffestiniog showed me round. The timber (red sawn) was all in stacks 6 mts long and about 3 mts square with sticks in between

All sizes 7x1 6x1 6x3/4 all relatively knot free.

"When you come, help yourself then just pop into the office and pay"

What a service! I an only a DIY woodworker, its not as if I was going to buy thousands of pounds worth.

Then last year came the bombshell. Due to ill health the yard was to be closed down.

What to do now? Do I stock up? but how much? where do I store it?
I didn't know.

I only knew of one other timber yard about 15 miles away from where I lived, so I went in and said " If I came and asked for 6x1 sawn red joinery timber, What would I get?"
He took me outside and pulled out a length from a stack. Looked good similar to what I had been having from my other yard, great I thought I am going to be OK

Anyway the yard closed the latter part of last year, my stock had run out, and I was asked by the local golf club to make a counter for the Pro. Shop

So off I went to the new yard.

"60 foot of 6x1 red sawn joinery please" I said.

"Sorry we don't do sawn, got plenty of planed, but that is about 5 3/4x 3/4 finished size."

"But when I came in a couple of months ago you showed me a stack of 6x1 red sawn"

He then went on to explain that "the gaffer" said there was no call for it as everyone who came in for timber wanted it planing anyway so he was buying it in ready planed.

I left and went to a builders merchants, as I don't know of any other timber yards.

Same story, we've got this ,this and this, Take it or leave it.

I ended up at Jewsons. All they stocked was planed and as I had promised to do the job I had to make do.
I must admit the gentleman that served me sorted out the better pieces although that had more knots than I would have liked.

So now I don't know what I will do next as no one seems to stock red sawn joinery timber within a radius that I can collect on my roofrack.

There is a timber yard on the Isle of Anglesey but that's about 30 miles away too far for me to fetch on my car.

Does anyone know of anywhere that I get such timber from around the Portmadog area.

Sorry for the rant but I feel better getting it off my chest.

Going now into a dust free workshop to sulk

Alan. :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Hi Alan,

Afraid I can't help with a source of supply, but just wanted to say I can appreciate how you feel. So many suppliers of things (not just woodworking) that we used to take for granted are disappearing. It makes you feel so helpless.

Hope you manage to find a source of supply soon. In the meantime go on ranting, we don't mind :wink:

not a woodyard i know, but went down the Tottenham Court Road on thursday lunch time, and found that Buck and Ryan is no longer
there. the whole block has been demolished.

anyone know where they have moved, or have they gone to the
great shop graveyard in the sky??????

i know that they were bloody expensive, but occasionally useful.

paul :cry:
They've moved to Holborn, Southhampton Row, just up past the junction with Theobald's Road.

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