Threads gone AWOL.

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user 4112

Established Member
UKW Supporter
1 Jan 2008
Reaction score
I’m only seeing 9 sub-threads (I’m sure there’s a correct word and this isn’t it) instead of possibly double that number. For instance the Lathes and the Scroll Saw threads are currently missing. What am I doing wrong?

Edit: I’ve discovered what’s happened, they're on a different parade ground. If I could find the delete thread button I’d happily put this one in the WPB, perhaps a mod could be so kind.
Hi JWL. The idea of "me" telling someone else how to use the new Forum layout seems odd to say the least, but I do think I've sussed this one!

1. Go to the Main Board Index;

2. Scroll down until you come to a Section called "Tools" (I think that's what it's called - I'll confirm or change that when I double check after finishing this reply);

3. Within that "Tools" Section you'll see several "Sub-Sections" highlighted in blue. These include "Hand Tools", "Scroll Saws & Sawing", "Lathes & Turning", etc, etc,

4. Click on the blue highlighted one that you want, and there you are!

OK, so now instead of going just "Board Index" then scrolling down to the Section you want, like in the "good old days", now you now need a couple more mouse clicks (and, as said above), these "Sub Sections" are hidden from the 1st view of the main Board Index. But it's logical enough and a couple of mouse clicks more hardly make a time difference. personally I can't see the benefit myself, but no doubt Charley had his reasons, and as said, it's simple/quick enough.


I'll just go and double check the name of that "Tools" Section and confirm/change as soon as this is gone.


P.S. All this long explanation 'cos for some reason I just CANNOT get my screen shot tool to work with is Forum, sorry.
1 more thing JWL. I was WRONG about 1 thing in the above replies (that HAD to happen)! You CAN see the various "Sub Sections" from the Main Board Index (and on the other "new" Sections such as "Workshops" - where you see highlighted "Sub Sections" such as "Jigs", etc, etc).

Sorry JWL (and by implication, Charley).
