I was kindly given a thicknesser a while back on permanent load for a little job I did. Whilst old it was working well apart from the depth adjusment. It turned out that a set of plastic bevel gears had worn out which I duly replaced. I thought I had got them aligned reasonably well but they are 1mm out from left to right. This didn't really matter for what I was doing but I now have a project I want to get a bit more spot on.
Is there anything more to it other than repeatedly running a block of wood through whilst clicking the bevel gear on?
I Don't really fancy making shavings out of a 10" width of wood if there is a better way of doing it
Is there anything more to it other than repeatedly running a block of wood through whilst clicking the bevel gear on?
I Don't really fancy making shavings out of a 10" width of wood if there is a better way of doing it