The screw up fairy…

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Still Learning
17 Nov 2018
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North Yorkshire
Anyone had a visit from the screw up fairy recently?

I’ve spent the last few evenings making four raised panels which each sit in a frame to make the sides of a toy box I am making. Dry fit perfect - glued up this morning and thinking I’m on track to be finished on time.

Just nipped out to take them out of the clamps and found that I’ve put one in back to front in the frame before gluing it up.

Broke a window pane last week. It needed reputtied, I got all the old putty out and I was putting a glazing sprig in and managed to crack the glass. So yes, I’ve been visited recently.
Anyone had a visit from the screw up fairy recently?

I’ve spent the last few evenings making four raised panels which each sit in a frame to make the sides of a toy box I am making. Dry fit perfect - glued up this morning and thinking I’m on track to be finished on time.

Just nipped out to take them out of the clamps and found that I’ve put one in back to front in the frame before gluing it up.

We've all done the crazy.
Theres been a few occasions I've had finite length of timber to make a frame with, cant make any mistakes, and i manage to cut one mitre the wrong way around despite checking to make sure I haven't.
Component chucked at speed across the room :LOL: AGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH AR***OLES!!!
Milled down the Sapele for a Windsor seat. Edge joined it, nice bit of planing by hand, took my time.
Clamped it up and all looked good.
Next day popped the template on and sawed out the shape, feeling all good about it as it was looking nice.
Middle glue joint fails as soon as I get in on the bench with a rasp in hand. I suspect I didn’t clean the wax off of the bottom of my ‘best’ plane and contaminated the joint, potentially all three in the seat.
It’s now on the floor in my workshop, I do believe if you listen carefully there are still echos of the verbal foulness that spewed forth still ringing in there.
Anyone had a visit from the screw up fairy recently?

I’ve spent the last few evenings making four raised panels which each sit in a frame to make the sides of a toy box I am making. Dry fit perfect - glued up this morning and thinking I’m on track to be finished on time.

Just nipped out to take them out of the clamps and found that I’ve put one in back to front in the frame before gluing it up.

She tends to stowaway on my ship models, when my guard is down! 😾🧚‍♀️
I carefully measured the door frame, cut two lengths of architrave with a mitre on one end. They were both too short, I had used the height of the doorframe as the longest length of mitred architrave. Tried again and very carefully ensured I had done it right, still too short, I had repeated the same mistake. I gave up for the day.
Yep - she came to see me just before Christmas…. I carefully measured and worked out the dimensions I required to optimise the use of the piece of timber I had, then set up the saw accurately before ripping every piece too thin. 🤦🏼‍♂️
When attempting to use the 6ft bar on an Alaskan mill last week …neither myself nor Keith the experienced operator thought to check the levels across the huge slab of beech we were about to cut ……300mm in and a wavey cut later 😱
Just nipped out to take them out of the clamps and found that I’ve put one in back to front in the frame before gluing it up.
That is the same fairy that causes people to have accidents in the workshop, you lost concentration and did not see what you were doing. You were doing these in the evening which suggest you had already done a days work so maybe tiredness got the better of you and your thoughts were about getting back indoors in the warmth.

The way I avoid these sorts of problems is to use masking tape with something like faceup written on it, now when you assemble anything you should see the masking tape on every component, if one component does not then it is upside down and I find this makes things more obvious, yes a sign of getting older !
We've all done the crazy.
Theres been a few occasions I've had finite length of timber to make a frame with, cant make any mistakes, and i manage to cut one mitre the wrong way around despite checking to make sure I haven't.
Component chucked at speed across the room :LOL: AGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH AR***OLES!!!
Senior moment - I hate ;em!
Carefully planed a door to fit the inside of the jams, it was a very twisted frame concave one side, convex the other, top and bottom not parallel. Got it mm perfect all edges square. fitted perfectly through the gap. Went to buy replacement and the price had just gone up £15.

The correct engineering term is PHUQ pronounced oh bother
We had the whole of the downstairs decorated in time for Christmas. I made a Christmas decoration for the hearth that had three small oil lamps sitting in a walnut dish with various decorations around them. Looked very festive. Despite using “pure” “clean” oil the lamps must have smoked and the smoke caught in eddies behind the cards on the mantle piece and made lovely smut patterns all over the wall. Fortunately the decorator was back after the holidays to do some rooms upstairs so he’s painted over the wall again!!