Strange plane

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From Blood and Gore.
I've never used it to scale a fish, but I don't see why it wouldn't tackle that job rather effectively. Be sure to rinse and pat dry after use.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: 8)
Hi All,
These are indeed box scrapers!
Beware if using then that they splay apart or even break for a pastime.
When buying check for stress cracks at the pivots and the corners.

Salaman in his 'Dictionary of Woodworking Tools' describes it as a Box Plane or Scraper, used for removing stencils and other marks from boxes and crates.(P 307).

In use, the the blade is honed slightly on the curve and the handle is swung through 180 degrees from the example you showed, so that it is drawn forward across the box at a diagonal, Japanese style, toward the user, rather than pushed - a bit like a scrub plane.
