Social distancing, .. what's that?

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A good friend of mine teaches teenagers and has two of her own. Her perspective is that the weight of opinion among young people is that they have very low risk. Those that have very high risk (weak and old to summarise) are (according to the age group) welcome to isolate themselves but should not impose this on everyone else, as it is damaging their lives, education and well being.

I am fairly ambivalent about it all, but it is certainly true that old v young can logically hold very different perspectives.

Kids can be a lot more sensible than they are given credit for.

I said the same in the original C19 thread back in March/April. If you are old and vulnerable, protect yourself, but don't ruin things for everyone else.
There is an excellent article by Tim Harford in the FT Magazine - I'd highly recommend reading it. One point he makes is that C19 is 10,000 times more lethal for 90 year-olds than it is for nine year-olds. Long Covid is definitely a thing - a 45 year-old neighbour has been struggling with it for months.
The primary problem is the risk of uncontrolled spread leading to an overloading of our healthcare system - this threat has not gone away.
The only reason I survived double pneumonia in my thirties was because I had access to an ICU bed staffed by skilled people - that and the antibiotics worked.
Much of the reason for lockdown is to keep our healthcare system on some kind of even keel.

I'm off for my flu and pneumonia jabs next week - I hope you'll all be doing the same....:cool:
The primary problem is the risk of uncontrolled spread leading to an overloading of our healthcare system - this threat has not gone away.

Yes that's what they told us, But the hospitals were almost empty, some of the specially built ones never saw a patient. Doctors and nurses so bored they made dancing videos to pass the time. Even still hospitals for the most part are way under capacity.

I'm off for my flu and pneumonia jabs next week - I hope you'll all be doing the same....:cool:

I definitely won't
The suspicion is the yearly flu vaccine which the Italians were given contributed to the chaos and desperate situation we saw there last march but only suspicion. SARS cover 2 is deadly to certain people no doubt. The answer is not to quarantine the healthy, decimated business and global economies, damage children's education and future, stop all treatment of serious disease and mental health. Stop life as we know it all because of a virus that behaves exactly the same as flu! Flu is serious anyone who has had real flu feels like they are dying and the vulnerable do that's why there's a flu jab each year. There will now be another coronavirus vaccine to take each year. Whatever your thoughts behind this virus is matter less the response is draconian, disproportionate and has done more damage to our future and children's future than SARS cov2 (covid 19 is a brand) could ever do.
I wish everyone all the best (you as well Roger)
Yes that's what they told us, But the hospitals were almost empty, some of the specially built ones never saw a patient. Doctors and nurses so bored they made dancing videos to pass the time. Even still hospitals for the most part are way under capacity.

I definitely won't
The Nightingale hospitals were not needed because the lockdown (although later than it should ideally have been) worked! Just as well, because it's highly questionable whether there would have been enough suitably qualified staff to operate them.

In the nicest possible way, I hope those who aren't having a flu jab will not trouble the NHS this winter.
The suspicion is the yearly flu vaccine which the Italians were given contributed to the chaos and desperate situation we saw there last march but only suspicion. SARS cover 2 is deadly to certain people no doubt. The answer is not to quarantine the healthy, decimated business and global economies, damage children's education and future, stop all treatment of serious disease and mental health. Stop life as we know it all because of a virus that behaves exactly the same as flu! Flu is serious anyone who has had real flu feels like they are dying and the vulnerable do that's why there's a flu jab each year. There will now be another coronavirus vaccine to take each year. Whatever your thoughts behind this virus is matter less the response is draconian, disproportionate and has done more damage to our future and children's future than SARS cov2 (covid 19 is a brand) could ever do.
I wish everyone all the best (you as well Roger)
Wibbly wobbly woo
The Nightingale hospitals were not needed because the lockdown (although later than it should ideally have been) worked! Just as well, because it's highly questionable whether there would have been enough suitably qualified staff to operate them.

In the nicest possible way, I hope those who aren't having a flu jab will not trouble the NHS this winter.

Actually it didn't, we reached peak deaths too quickly after lockdown started for it to have been needed, we would have been fine if we didn't do it. The nightingale hospitals might have been a good precaution but we never actually needed them and it's a good job because as you correctly noted we didn't have the staff for them. They weren't hospitals, they were morgues for the almost dead.
Actually it didn't, we reached peak deaths too quickly after lockdown started for it to have been needed, we would have been fine if we didn't do it. The nightingale hospitals might have been a good precaution but we never actually needed them and it's a good job because as you correctly noted we didn't have the staff for them. They weren't hospitals, they were morgues for the almost dead.
There's at least one non sequitur lurking in there...
Will you even enquire what is being injected into you?

It's easy to find out from Home - electronic medicines compendium (emc) but given the vaccines are all designed to handle up to 4 flu strains as guided by the WHO's recommendations on which strains will be included, they'll probably all be very similar.

Of course, we all know that it's not really a flu vaccine you're being given, it's a GPS enabled microchip that records all your emails.
Of course, we all know that it's not really a flu vaccine you're being given, it's a GPS enabled microchip that records all your emails.

Especially because most of us don't willingly carry a device on our pockets that does exactly the same thing ;)
I'm going to do my best to get by without having

injected into me.
Can you elaborate as to why? And did you bother to read that section or you were just looking for an excuse

In any case, the only vaccine in the UK that contains GMOs is Nasal Flu vaccine (Fluenz) but you are more likely to get GMO through your food chain.

As for cell strains, I am afraid those are the only way we have of replicating some of the inactivated viruses that are needed for the vaccines and unlike food products, the list of vaccine ingredients may include products used during the manufacturing process, even if they do not remain in the finished product.
There is also absolutely no scientific evidence that cell lines cause any issues when ingested but that obviously isn't relevant to this discussion...
The average age of those who have died WITH (not OF) C19 is 83, let that sink in for a moment. In Scotland that is OVER the average life expectancy by a couple of years.

My Dad lived until he was 100, and only died then because he had an accident.

At 86, he built an extension on their bungalow, digging foundations by hand.

I would hesitate to write off everyone over 80 as having one foot in the grave.
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