So the workshop got broken into last night (sigh)

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big soft moose":1a88cw11 said:
if you've got a lot of expensive kit "smoke cloak" is worth considering - this is a device linked to the alarm that as soon as its triggered puts out a load of glycol smoke - this is completely harmless ( ive walked about inside a cloaked building many times as keyholder) but totally obscures the shop to the point where you cant see your hand in front of your face and torches dont help .

this makes it extremly difficult to steal anything or even to find the door to get out again - coupled with a deafening soundblaster you can totally disorientate the intruder to the point that on one occasion we found an intruder still inside the building so disorientated that he couldnt get out again.

I'm not advocating for the "poor" burglar, but I would be worried about the consequences of hurting anybody. The smoke may be harmless but if his vision is obscured he may trip over something and seriously injure himself. I know they shouldn't be there, but in this upside down world we live in you may get sued and end up financially worse off.

big soft moose":3lzlov5g said:
if you've got a lot of expensive kit "smoke cloak" is worth considering - this is a device linked to the alarm that as soon as its triggered puts out a load of glycol smoke - this is completely harmless ( ive walked about inside a cloaked building many times as keyholder) but totally obscures the shop to the point where you cant see your hand in front of your face and torches dont help .

this makes it extremly difficult to steal anything or even to find the door to get out again - coupled with a deafening soundblaster you can totally disorientate the intruder to the point that on one occasion we found an intruder still inside the building so disorientated that he couldnt get out again.

I like the idea of that and will look into it, its not that ive got alot of expensive kit, but when its added up would total quite alot, for them to come back and nick the cast stuff they'd have to carry it by hand for 200mtrs as theres only 1 way into the yard and that is barracaded at night at the entrance. Im looking for a solid metal cabinet at the moment that ill bolt to the floor, if i cant find anything suitable then ill make 1. thanks for all the ideas.

i guess i, like some others had security down as the last thing on the list, really it should be somewhere near the top

as they say learn from your mistakes.
Forget the guard dog, get a guard alligator, that way not only will you not have your tools nicked, the world will be decremented to the tune of one scumbag.
Sorry to be flippant, being burgled sucks as I well know. I'm all for the 'sonic armageddon' approach to deafen the ****s and knock them for six.
I really hate criminals.
filsgreen":2ne9dzy7 said:
big soft moose":2ne9dzy7 said:
if you've got a lot of expensive kit "smoke cloak" is worth considering - this is a device linked to the alarm that as soon as its triggered puts out a load of glycol smoke - this is completely harmless ( ive walked about inside a cloaked building many times as keyholder) but totally obscures the shop to the point where you cant see your hand in front of your face and torches dont help .

this makes it extremly difficult to steal anything or even to find the door to get out again - coupled with a deafening soundblaster you can totally disorientate the intruder to the point that on one occasion we found an intruder still inside the building so disorientated that he couldnt get out again.

I'm not advocating for the "poor" burglar, but I would be worried about the consequences of hurting anybody. The smoke may be harmless but if his vision is obscured he may trip over something and seriously injure himself. I know they shouldn't be there, but in this upside down world we live in you may get sued and end up financially worse off.


Legally speaking you only have to display "a reasonable duty of care" for a intruder or trespasser this means that you cant deliberately set out to harm them (which rules out digging a big pit and putting spikes in it - unfortunately) and you have to give them fair warning of any hazard e.g a sticker on the outside door saying " these premises are protected by smoke cloak"

providing you have done this and can demonstrate you have then you arent likely to be found liable if they enter and fall over in a cloud of glycol smoke.
I think its about time that intruders lost all rights to make any claim for any injury in the course of commiting a crime, ane eye for an eye should prevail.
Good one to tackle your local EU mp they need some real work to do.
devonwoody":2aly27ed said:
I think its about time that intruders lost all rights to make any claim for any injury in the course of commiting a crime, ane eye for an eye should prevail.
Good one to tackle your local EU mp they need some real work to do.

Surely in a logical world thats how it should work (if they have no right to be there in the first place, its there own fault if they injure themselves.)

I think it just shows how crazy things have become when we have to provide a safe way to be broken into!! Surely even the dumbest of people can see how daft that it?

Even if they do get caught nothing serious happens to them! About 2 years ago the farm was broken into, Some scumbag stole a van and made off down the farm track, The police actually caught him (shock i know) and who was in the passenger seat? His 8month pregnant girlfriend!! last year he went to court and pleaded guilty to 149 offenses 149!!! what did he get 8 months!

On a seperate note would the axminster AW106PT2 be a suitable replacement for the dw733?
The louder the better! All the police have to do then is look for some local villain who's bleeding from the ears!

Be aware that they will give you time to replace the kit & then hit you again.
This has happened to two people I know.
It would certainly be a good time to have miniture tracking devices that can be fitted to equipment.

If I was a young man that would be a good business to start?
Tracking devices would be a good idea for the more expensive machines, But all my really expensive things are the big machines all of which are cast and would be near impossible to steal, because you wouldnt be able to get transport near enough to the workshop.

Im going to replace the dewalt with a P/T from axminster (the cast one). So its only really the smaller hand tools that i need to sort out, It would be nice if i could do away with anything that looked like a cabinet, so if it does happen again all there is to see are the big machines, Perhaps a large workbench, with a top thats hinged and can be lifted to gain access to a storage space inside. Or would that be going too far?
Not read the entire thread but an alarm with a dialler might be helpful. Depending on how near you live (i.e. how quick you can get there) to have a silent alarm so you can catch them in the act. Not always a good idea but nearly being caught is the sort of tale that circulates so, in itself, could be a deterrent to other would be thieves.