I bought one of their benchtop planers last month, just for small stuff at home, when I turned it on first time I got a faceful of shattered plastic, luckily I was wearing glasses at the time even though I wasn't machining anything!
It turned out to be the plastic shroud that surrounds the cutter head and carries away the waste, part of the built in extraction system, it had somehow caught in the cutter and was shredded. I also found the infeed and outfeed tables weren't parallel, the manual is very light on info and doesn't tell you how to adjust this, if it is indeed adjustable.
I phoned them and their tech guy was very helpful, he admitted he didn't know much about the machine though and arranged to have it collected by courier and returned to them. That was three weeks ago now, when I contacted them to see what was happening they said they had received it and it was in the queue to be inspected, it seems they have had quite a lot of machines returned after Xmas and are working their way through them.