Second hand Patio Gas cyclinders

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John Brown

Freeloading Social media influenza
25 Sep 2008
Reaction score
Stinchcombe, Gloucestershire
I was just about to buy a second hand gas bbq on eBay, complete with gas bottle, when I had some vague memory of regulations about filling bottles that weren't registered. Does the cylinder always belong to the gas company? Is that just for Calor, or is it the same with Patio gas?
Any knowledge gratefully received.
Most bottle gas companies take the empty in exchange for a full cylinder so I suppose they do own the bottles and you buy the gas and rent the bottle. With no empty to exchange it’s considerably more money, maybe 20 quid or so.
Each gas company will obviously only take their own bottles back.
Yep. Just looked it up, 39.99 for the “cylinder refill agreement“.
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Most places will just swap one for one - you don't need any paperwork. If you have an empty, they'll give you a full one without any further deposit. There is plenty of patio gas around at the moment, but it is almost impossible to open a new contract (e.g. get a new cylinder without handing back an old one). I hope this helps.
Most places will just swap one for one - you don't need any paperwork. If you have an empty, they'll give you a full one without any further deposit. There is plenty of patio gas around at the moment, but it is almost impossible to open a new contract (e.g. get a new cylinder without handing back an old one). I hope this helps.
Thanks. That's very helpful.
Thanks to others who replied, as well.