Sea Fishing

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I used to many years back, and just started again this summer - bass fishing in a local estuary. Nowt - can't help feeling there aren't any left in the sea these days!
I used to many years back, and just started again this summer - bass fishing in a local estuary. Nowt - can't help feeling there aren't any left in the sea these days!
And the reason for this is Quoters , Give 70% to the EU members and if any are left the UK fishermen can have them , Oh and tip them back in the sea dead if they are the wrong type of fish.
In theory, yes. In practice, never. Last on the list of fun things to do, so it never happens. I last drowned bait about 20 years ago.

I was out on the paddleboard the other day and saw a good sized tuna fish - very cool. Also a small school of something unidentified and yellow that would have made good eating. A couple of months ago I was snorkeling in a gigantic shoal of anchovies which was a magical experience. On balance, I seem to be more of a fish spotter than a fish catcher.
In theory, yes. In practice, never. Last on the list of fun things to do, so it never happens. I last drowned bait about 20 years ago.

I was out on the paddleboard the other day and saw a good sized tuna fish - very cool. Also a small school of something unidentified and yellow that would have made good eating. A couple of months ago I was snorkeling in a gigantic shoal of anchovies which was a magical experience. On balance, I seem to be more of a fish spotter than a fish catcher.
That tuna was probably worth a few ££££ - I’ve only ever seen them in the fish markets 😩😩😩
Interesting…..I know the migrate north after they exit the Mediterranean Sea,I’m in Gibraltar where we are get big ones during the open season from June to October.Smaller ones hang around all year round but it is illegal to fish for them out of season.
That brought back a few memories. Ironic really as I'm about as far from the coast as you can get.
Cod fishing south of the Isle of Wight in the middle of winter & at Lowestoft where the skipper also put out long lines & we had so many fish we couldn't get them all in the cars.
Littlehampton for black bream & sometimes red bream.
Brixham & Plymouth for inshore wrecking.
Weymouth, Portland Bill & the Shambles drifting for bass.
Never caught anything shore fishing off Chesil Beach except when spinning for shoaling mackerel.
Fishing off West Bay & watching a marshalling Swedish steam turbine warship outpace power boats racing out of Brixam.
Getting temporarily knocked out by 2 llbs of lead when a chap collapsed with a brain tumor & the coast guard helicopter airlifting him to hospital.
You can often see the tuna out at sea chasing mackerel, I have seen this off Lyme Regis and they have been catching tuna off the beach in Dorset for some time. Swordfish is the new fish on the block and already caught off the Irish coast.
Hi Chesil beach fishes well sometimes mind sometimes not also!
Watched the tuna leaping off there also few times plus get some large shark run in close.
Secret on Chesil is often getting the distance as need to hit the clay patches that's where the sole feed and plaice on pea mussel amongst other things.
Had some decent ones there 2lb'ers and it's fishing well atmo.
Used to fish Southend on sea pier when had pass used to get loads of Bass and mullet plus Mackerel and Herring
fish south coast when can Seaford/Eastbourne/Brighton-Selsey.

If anyone wants to join me sometime holler/hoot

Sold a lot of my Carpy gear off while back but still have some bits.
But will have a pile of gear to sell soon both sea and coarse some never used and collectable gear also as friend is moving and said going to just keep a few bits and i can sell rest!
That brought back a few memories. Ironic really as I'm about as far from the coast as you can get.
Cod fishing south of the Isle of Wight in the middle of winter & at Lowestoft where the skipper also put out long lines & we had so many fish we couldn't get them all in the cars.
Littlehampton for black bream & sometimes red bream.
Brixham & Plymouth for inshore wrecking.
Weymouth, Portland Bill & the Shambles drifting for bass.
Never caught anything shore fishing off Chesil Beach except when spinning for shoaling mackerel.
Fishing off West Bay & watching a marshalling Swedish steam turbine warship outpace power boats racing out of Brixam.
Getting temporarily knocked out by 2 llbs of lead when a chap collapsed with a brain tumor & the coast guard helicopter airlifting him to hospital.
I read somewhere - once upon a time - that nowhere in Britain is further than 75 miles from the sea, dunno if it was T or F.
Chesil beach & West Bay are my old haunts up to 20 yrs ago, most years thru the '70's & early '80's had hols at Seatown, plenty of mackerel caught on feathers & I once hooked a 12 1/2 lb conger off the beach at Burton Bradstock. I gave up fishing when my late wife became disabled and we bought a motorhome to tour Europe mainly. Then on her passing in '97, I went down to Wet Bay & bought some tackle & gave it another go, but everything had changed by then - local councils were very anti-motorhome, but did get away with a few nights in beach carparks 'night' fishing or more like fish feeding! My guess now is that has been a prolific rise in height barriers. Being nearer, I fished the South Wales coast,, mainly the Severn estuary - apart from eels inc. conger I only caught a few whiting & pouting. With rising fuel costs , & my knees starting to complain, I gave up in 2001, by which time I'd switched hobbys to model railroading, US HO. That's gone in favour of wooden model ships. What goes around comes around - as they say - I started my modelling with Airfix 2/- ship kits as a kid.