Question about finishing...

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23 Nov 2015
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I've been told that using danish oil is a very effective finishing method for interior wooden furniture. My question is: what is the most natural looking way to stain the wood before applying the oil? Do you apply stain before the danish oil? Could you use paste wax together with oil? Or is it only possible to use one or the other? What order shpuld you apply these finishes?

I'm new to this so any help would be much appreciated.

One thing I do know is that you should never trust the names of products like "Danish Oil" or "Tung oil finish" it is all marketing - they are basically a mix of turps/meths (often called spirits - meths stinks less than turps, that's the only real difference), any varnish and sometimes some boiled linseed oil too. You can and should make your own wiping varnish - I like to add equal parts meths, B.L.O. and poly varnish, mix them together and that makes a perfect all-purpose finish for wiping - much cheaper and equally good as any tinned stuff. Wipe it on, leave it 5 mins and then wipe off the excess - 3 to 6 coats of that and you have a beautiful finish. Then I apply a coat of Fiddes clear wax and buff it up. That gives a lovely natural wood sheen without streaks, brushmarks and is very "close to wood" in feel - it is also very hard wearing. The only variable is how many coats you add.
If you must stain wood you do so before the finishing/varnishing.

This is a good guide on making using wiping varnish ... g_varnish2
Or of course you could save the faffing about and buy a decent brand of Danish Oil - by the time you've bought the above, there's not that much difference. If you use a lot, you can buy Bestwood Danish (which is 50% tung) for £32 for 5ltrs delivered - try buying polyurethane for that.
So the order would be?...
1. Stain
2. Danish oil (or varnish)
3. Polyurethane
4. Fiddes wax (optional)

How many coats of each? Would you sand between coats? And what grit paper would you use for a smooth finish?
You don't need poly on top of Danish, and you don't need hardwax oil on top of either. Microcrystalline or a good furniture wax will be fine. Sand first, after raising the grain with sealer or (hot) water - which I prefer - it helps prevent the stain raising it. Don't sand between the stain and the Danish/poly, do it a coat or two after - it only needs something really light, 320, 400 or 0000 wire wool, just to pick up any nibs and dust. You're only sanding (tiny, if you've done the prep) blemishes in the finish, not the wood. Whatever you use, Danish or a mix, don't use wire wool on oak. If you're thinking about Fiddes/Osmo of course, it's far easier and just two coats from bare. Try on some scrap first, though - some people don't like it.
There are others here more experienced than me - take note if someone contradicts me.