Plane meets wood, plane suffers.

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Established Member
28 Jun 2005
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Not content with developing a blister the size of a 20 p on the palm of my hand from thicnessing and generally preping 9 short boards of knotty pine by hand, I have also managed to injure the LV LA jack it appears. Picture here. (beware its a big pic which us why Im only linkng to it.) Quite deep gouges along the sole running from toe to heel from, I imagine, interacting with the knots.
The blade suffered as well, horribly chipped all along its cutting edge, I'e spent about half an hour on waterstones with it so far without much success. Some of us shouldnt be allowed to have nice toys it appears. All told a bit of a bad day.
I should really be surprised if it was the wood itself that made those scratches. Far more likely is grains of silica (eg sand) in the wood. Sometimes these are natural but in your case, more likely the result of the boards having been in contact with the floor and not cleaned up before planing.
Ooo, Mike, painful. <wince> Best to look on them as custom-made corrugations I reckon. Doubt it's the wood though - more like there's something nasty in there. :?

Cheers, Alf
I was suprised to think that the wood might have done that. I guess youre all right about something nasty in the top surface. WIll have to be more carful next time though I did !clean" most of the boards with a scrub there was one that I didnt because it wasnt too bad. Obviously it was! As long as y'all don't think it will affect perfomance then Ill just chalk it up to experience I guess, otherwise I'll have to go find myself a lapping plate and get polishing.
Cheers Mike
Your not alone mr I have done the same thing to my new imported BU jointer but not as bad as yours looks, I was planing teak and assumed I had hit some silica,
I was not as brave as you and kept quiet feeling foolish :oops: but now realise that is not necessary on this forum ,Ill just put it down to experience
