Paul Sellers latest?

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Established Member
16 Mar 2009
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Land o' Burns.
Has anyone seen what I believe to be Paul Sellers latest vid? regarding the planning and building of a tool cab?

Unusually, it was a quick 5 minutes or so with no commentary, just Paul drawing a plan and clamping up a couple of boards.

Have I missed something or are there accompanying vids showing the completion, or as I suspect "tune in next" time for the next video.

I figured it was a commercial for something you had to pay to see? There was something like this about building dining chairs too earlier but I never see anything more about that. Figured it was something you had to pay for or perhaps it was only possible to do that by attending a class in person?
Bluekingfisher":cb90sl1k said:
Has anyone seen what I believe to be Paul Sellers latest vid? regarding the planning and building of a tool cab?

Unusually, it was a quick 5 minutes or so with no commentary, just Paul drawing a plan and clamping up a couple of boards.

Have I missed something or are there accompanying vids showing the completion, or as I suspect "tune in next" time for the next video.

I believe it was a taster of what is to come, going by his website anyway.
At the beginning it says "coming soon to" Its part of there pay to view series, you'll have to sign up to watch them
It's the latest project for his masterclass series but you have to subscribe - £10 a month, good value for people like me trying to improve my woodworking.

I believe I recall him saying that the techniques and toolmaking videos on his website would always be free of charge (though you may have to register / create an account on the website to view them.)
That is correct, his youtube channel shows a sample of videos from the free section of his website, there are more videos which require a £10 a month subscription to watch. I can't comment on the value of the paid videos but his free ones are well worth watching, you only to have to sign up for a free account.

The pay-as-you go videos deal with a step-by-step approach to making a particular item. Some are more involved than others but can vary from four or five weeks to 8 or ten for the more complex builds.

The latest free offering is a taster for the latest project that is available by subscription. It is a project that builds a version of the tool cupboard that is evident in all his videos. Looking at it, I guess that it will run into the new year.

Basically, you pay £10 per calendar month, 12 payments a year, and get 52 videos, ranging from 30 to 45 minutes on average. Plus the occasional freebie. It has been going for a few years now, so there are a lot of back-uncatalogued videos to watch. When you sign up, it entitles you to download and keep the current series, and you can view, but not download previous series.

Paul Sellers is famous for voicing his pet attitudes to the craft, which some find tedious, but it is quite harmless and the teaching content is good on the whole. He does strive to use the most basic tools, so that it's accessible to those on a tight budget.

The free You-tube stuff deals in the main with outlining basic techniques, such as blade sharpening, saw sharpening etc. There is a free series on making a basic bench from scratch which is worth a watch.

Other than that, you pays your money and takes your choice. In some respects he's the nearest thing we have these days to the old-time wood-work teachers in school who are an extinct breed nowadays, idiosyncrasies and all.

Good luck
I'd say it is well worth signing up for a free account, there is a lot of free content if you sigh up that isn't on you tube. You would have to be very knowledgeable not to find stuff to learn from it.