Established Member
Help needed (in plain english please).
Just been given a new shop vac. Has usual gauge hose outlet, internal is 32mm or thereabouts. When I detached the hose from the body of the vac the outgoing flange is 55mm internal. Therefore the area of the aperture is approx 3 times that of the hose outlet.
Unsurprisingly the amount of suck without hose is amazingly increased. I tested this by the ultra scientific method of holding my hand over it, impressed aren't you?
Is this the increased diameter producing this effect or the lack of resistance previously created by the length of hose? Or, as I presume, a combination of both?
If indeed there is a potential for me to suck more efficiently
my final question is this:
Would I be much better off gluing a piece of 63mm into the body of the vac (easily achieved with a file short length of rigid pipe and some Pink Grip) and using a length of 63mm flexi hose for my router table and under blade collector on the bandsaw and just using a reducer when connecting up to sanders etc or continue as I have previously making connections from the smaller diameter hose to larger outlets (which always seemed wrong)?
The only change is butchering the shop vac (very secondhand and free by the way) as I have 63mm flexi hose and pipe in a box somewhere.
All help gratefully rec'd.
Thanks in anticipation of some guidance by those who understand physics better than moi.
Just been given a new shop vac. Has usual gauge hose outlet, internal is 32mm or thereabouts. When I detached the hose from the body of the vac the outgoing flange is 55mm internal. Therefore the area of the aperture is approx 3 times that of the hose outlet.
Unsurprisingly the amount of suck without hose is amazingly increased. I tested this by the ultra scientific method of holding my hand over it, impressed aren't you?
Is this the increased diameter producing this effect or the lack of resistance previously created by the length of hose? Or, as I presume, a combination of both?
If indeed there is a potential for me to suck more efficiently
Would I be much better off gluing a piece of 63mm into the body of the vac (easily achieved with a file short length of rigid pipe and some Pink Grip) and using a length of 63mm flexi hose for my router table and under blade collector on the bandsaw and just using a reducer when connecting up to sanders etc or continue as I have previously making connections from the smaller diameter hose to larger outlets (which always seemed wrong)?
The only change is butchering the shop vac (very secondhand and free by the way) as I have 63mm flexi hose and pipe in a box somewhere.
All help gratefully rec'd.
Thanks in anticipation of some guidance by those who understand physics better than moi.