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New member
7 Jul 2011
Reaction score
I've just joined the forum and thought I'd say hello to everyone. I'm just starting out on woodworking as a hobby and have tons of daft questions that I hope you guys won't find too annoying. I'm the proud owner of a CSE grade 1 in Woodwork from 1983, but any skills I learned then have long since vanished so it's back to the basics for me. I have quite a lot of tools inherited from my father and grandfather, some of which are Victorian, and I have very few power tools. I'm going to be focusing on setting up a basic workshop so a lot of my questions will be about that.

Thank you in advance for any answers and apologies if the questions are blindingly simple or daft.
1983 eh?
I was 1981, 'cept I went by way of the 'Dark Side'... I did METALWORK!!!

That was back in the days when Mum and Dad wouldn't sue the school for £30m if I cut my finger on the hacksaw. We got to use a lathe (a BIG one!), pillar drils, the Blacksmith's shop etc and were actually encouraged to be the best, rather than just take part!

Wish I'd done woodwork! :cry:

Anyway... Welcome :)

Hello rygel16th
Welcome along. I think you may find questions pitched in the Hand tools dpt. may stir more answers and interest.
Post some pics of your stuff - then question why your pics have not worked - get told that you need however many posts for pics to work - then thank those who told you - then you've got enough posts for pics to work.
We've all been through it.
Then fire away. Daft questions are our speciality. :)
Welcome Rygel

I have asked loads of questions, some have been stupid and no one has laughed!! Well not to my knowledge, everyone here has been very helpfull.

Hi there.

I think that you will find there is no such thing as a stupid question...just a very smart person behind it that wants to be smarter.

You made the first right move...we look forward to seeing you progress.

Hi rygel16th,

I've just joined too.
Previously I'd seen some very amusing (and friendly, and erudite!) talk on this site, so decided to sign up.
I won't always get chance to post all that often (I'm involved in farrrrr too many disparate things already!) but it's nice to know I can drop in from time to time and see what's new...

Oh, and... as a lover of tools and gear, of all ages, I'd be interested in knowing more (and seeing pics?) of the older machines and stuff you've got? I find it all very fascinating, in a 'Fred Dibner' sort of way! :)

Lastly, hi to all the 'old hands' on here, you who are helping to keep alive the finer aspects, –not just of craftmanship, but the important factor of *Community Spirit* which is sadly all-too lacking in a lot of our cut-and-thrust society these days...

A 'cyber community' we may be, but the heart's still there!

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