We will agree/disagree JW. Agree that the Traction Avant is one of the best cars ever built and I would love one! But disagree about the 2CV. The Tin Snail has to be one of the most incredible cars ever built. I had a Dyane for 2 years and the only reason I got rid was that, as an IBM service eng, I was doing over 20,000 miles a year and it just was not practical any more. Fantastic machines, comfortable and in tight right hand bends the passenger can see loads of detail of the curb just by glancing over their shoulder :mrgreen:
I agree that it's a car that has the Marmite touch, love or hate, and I am lucky enough to love both!!
But as far as the RR is concerned, with or without the gold paint, would not be on my list if were given to me. To sell straight on yes, but not to think of owning. For me, it is pig ugly.